
Web interface for Firebird database

I currently have a Firebird server on Windows and Windows desktop client applications for Firebird databases. I want to make a web interface for the existing databases (using Apache on Windows). What free instrumentation (server languages, libraries) is currently available for the purpose? ...

maximum stored proc name in firebird

Hi, I am migrating my db from Interbase to Firebird, and the 1st hiccup we hit comes from our stored proc names. We have a handful of stored procedures with names greater than 31 characters (which appears to be the max in FB 2.1.3) Is there a way to increase this limitation? It will be a far easier solution than modifying our software...

Connecting to embedded FireBird database from C# app issue

Hi, guys. I seem to have an issue with connecting to an embedded FireBird database from a sample C# app. Here's what I've got. static void Main(string[] args) { //Some constant parameters used to form up the connection string... #region constant literals const String User = "SYSDBA"; const String ...

Exception thrown when creating database

For some reason, I can't get embedded firebird sql to work on Windows using C#/.NET. Here's my code: string BuildConnectionString() { FbConnectionStringBuilder builder = new FbConnectionStringBuilder(); builder.DataSource = "localhost"; builder.UserID = "SYSDBA"; builder.Password = "masterkey"; ...

Firebird query is crashing with org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544364. request synchronization error

I am using JdbcTemplate.queryForInt to insert a Row into the DB, and then get the ID back. The Query is "INSERT INTO metadocs(NAME) values (?) RETURNING METADOCID". If I run the statement in Flamerobin, it works fine. However, if I run it from Java, I get the following error: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Prepare...

How to test my Firebird SQL queries

I'm in the process of learning SQL, and I need a way of verifying that my SQL queries are valid (i.e. no syntax errors). I also would like to check what results they yield on a test database of my choosing and structure. I'm using embedded firebird in my C# .NET application, so I don't really have any tools to work with. Anyone have any...

FireBird .net provider 64bit

I'm trying to get a firebird web application (IIS6 64 bit) to run. However I'm getting bad image format (bit difference incompatability) issues. Has anyone got any advice to get it running. Details AnyCPU application references the .net firebird driver (through nhibernate) which uses a native 64bit dll. There is a native 32bit dll which...

What is the best database to use for a Java desktop application

Hi all, i have to choose a database for a big desktop application. Which of this db is better: Firebird, JavaDB, hsqldb ? I need perfomance and easy to use, and totally free license. Thank. ...

SQLite vs Firebird

The scenario I'm looking at is "This program uses Postgres. Oh, you want to just use it single-user for the moment, and put off having to deal with installing a database server? Okay, in the meantime you can use it with the embedded single-user database." The question is then which embedded database is best. As I understand it, the two ...

Delphi firebird autoinc

How do I make an autoinc field in firebird with Zeos. -Brad ...

[H2 and Firebird]auto_increment, identity or trigger plus generator?

Hi all, in Firebird the only way to have an auto increment coloumn is to setup a generator and use it with a trigger. In H2 db there are auto_increment and identity keywords to do it. What is the best way? Mysql use auto_increment too, but there is some problems with cuncurrence read and table lock, isn't true? Thank you. ...

Delphi: how to create Firebird database programmatically

I'm using D2K9, Zeos 7Alpha, and Firebird 2.1 I had this working before I added the autoinc field. Although I'm not sure I was doing it 100% correctly. I don' know what order to do the SQL code, with the triggers, Generators, etc.. I've tried several combinations, I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong other than just that for this not ...

SQL Filter Multiple Tables Data

If it matters, I'm using Firebird 2.1 database. I have three tables, one with keywords, one with negative keywords, and the other with required keywords. I need to be able to filter the data so the output has just the keywords that meat the stipulation of not being in the negative keyword list, and IF there are any required words, th...

Query Parameter Value Is Null When Enum Item 0 is Cast with Int32

When I use the first item in a zero-based Enum cast to Int32 as a query parameter, the parameter value is null. I've worked around it by simply setting the first item to a value of 1, but I was wondering though what's really going on here? This one has me scratching my head. Why is the parameter value regarded as null, instead of 0? Enu...

How to have multiple tables with multiple joins

I have three tables that I need to join together and get a combination of results. I have tried using left/right joins but they don't give the desired results. For example: Table 1 - STAFF id name 1 John 2 Fred Table 2 - STAFFMOBILERIGHTS id staffid mobilerightsid rights --this table is empty-- Tabl...

Firebird Insert Distinct Data Using ZeosLib and Delphi

I'm using Zeos 7, and Delphi 2009 and want to check to see if a value is already in the database under a specific field before I post the data to the database. Example: Field Keyword Values of Cheese, Mouse, Trap tblkeywordKEYWORD.Value = Cheese What is wrong with the following? And is there a better way? zQueryKeyword.SQL.Add('IF...

How to display SUM fields from a detailed table in a master table

What is the best approach to display the summery of DETAILED.Fields in its master table? E.g. I have a master table called 'BILL' with all the bill related data and a detailed table ('BILL_DETAIL') with the bill detailed related data, like NAME, PRICE, TAX, ... Now I want to list all BILLS, without the details, but with the sum of the P...

Connecting to multiple firebird Databases via Delphi

I am integrating a system with 2 other applications, 1 using a Firebird database whilst the other BIS (using ADO). My delphi application uses Firebird. I need to read data from my database, insert it into both the BIS database and the other application firebird database. I have created seperate data modules for each. Sending data to the ...

Can I run a Firebird stored procedure from a batch file, or is there an ISQL equivalent

I want to run a Firebird stored procedure from a batch file or similar on a desktop. The stored procedure contains insert statements and update statements with if possible parameters that I would like to pass. Any ideas or other suggestions would be appreciated. ...

The CHOICE : Firebird or H2

Hi, i have to choice a database to use in server-mode for a java desktop application. I think both are great java database. In my opinion (im NOT well-informed): H2 PRO Is java based Develeopment say it is very very fast Easy to install, configure and use with java application H2 CONS Is a young project Reliability doubt for co...