
1090 error occurs in Flash Builder, but update action works fine in Rails

The below student_request method updates records successfully in Rails but returns "Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed.” in Flash Builder 4 beta. Now the xml works fine for other actions, so I don't think the xml is at fault. It's something in the confirm_request method. Does anyone have any idea? class StudentRequest...

Flex 4: StyleManager.getStyleManager()

I'm trying to compile existing Flex 4 project but having an error: Call to underfined method getStyleManager of StyleManager class. The code is: var styleManager:IStyleManager2 = StyleManager.getStyleManager(null); I found the method in Flex documentation but when I open StyleManager.as I can't find the method declaration. Used Fle...

Ant in Eclipse: silently terminated

I'm using an Ant build script for my project developed in Eclipse 3.4.2. It's actually a Flex 4 project (using Flash Builder Eclipse Plug-in). Everything worked ok. But someday something happened and now the executions of Ant build script is silently terminated each time I run it. When trying to debug Ant script the IDE stops for a mom...

implicit coercion when using popupmanager in flex

I had to reformat my question because I realized I was using incorrect flex method. But still a similar issue occurs: private function passForm():void { PopUpManager.addPopUp(passTitleWindow, this, true); PopUpManager.centerPopUp(passTitleWindow); } <s:Button incl...

flex error - Access of possibly undefined property application through a reference with static type class

I have been having serious trouble making data displayable and updatable using the popupmanager. I have gone back and forth and decided with the approach of placing a titlewindow in a custom component (which everyone recommends) rather than in main application. However, when I do this, since the titlewindow component I created doesn't kn...

Using flex 4 sdk in flex builder 3

This question may be an absolute crap. Can i use the flex 4 sdk in flex builder 3? i have a licensed version of flex builder 3 professional. so if i need to use flex 4 sdk in it, do i need to buy flash builder? cant i get all the new components in flex builder 3? Regards, PK ...

Create Windows/Macintosh Projector from Flash Builder 4

Am I able to publish a Windows/Macintosh projector from Flash Builder 4? I would like a solution that stays within the IDE, rather than having to open FlashPlayer.exe and export the EXE/App. ...

Flash Builder AIR Project Background Image

I'm very new to Flash Builder and am trying to create an AIR app with a custom background. How can I put a background image in my project? I've tried just placing the image in the design view but it never shows up when I run the project. ...

Flex Overwriting my .HTML wrapper

When I make changes to a Flex project and rerun the project, it seems that FlashBuilder4 rewrites my html wrapper that embeds the SWF. But I have additional javascript code in the html wrapper and don't want to keep losing my code. I had to re-write the code once and it was a pain in the neck. How do I stop it from re-writing the html. ...

custom flex component, visual controls in design view

Do you know how if you drag an <mx:Label> or <s:Label> component into your Flex project, when you go to design mode you get this panel on the right to set its properties like text etc. I have a custom component that I can call with actionscript, or with mxml like this: <comps:TheComp field1="OK" field2="Yes" /> The component takes t...

Flash Builder Update Query Issue - Channel disconnected Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received

I am trying to build my first CRUD application and cant get the update query to work. Here is the MXML and AS. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.events.DataGridEvent; import mx.events.FlexEvent; import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; ...

Flash Builder 4 is suggesting mx1 instead of mx! why?

I just bought and installed the Flash Builder 4 after having the Beta for a while. The same code is giving me compile-time errors and suggests using mx1 instead of mx! If I make it mx1 the compile error goes away. Here is the top of my component. <s:SkinnableContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xm...

[Flex] What is new functionality 'Sparks' that appears in the Flash Builder 4 ?

Hello, i just checking Flash Builder 4 ( i come from Flex builder 3 ), and it was painfull to see that old CSS visual editor, that it was very convenient for skinning components, has dissapear when select version 4. Also creating new project appear option between Mxml and 'Mxml+Spark'. What is this spark? Do you recommend using this? W...

Flash Builder (Flex 4): datagrid populated by XML, how can I add an image in some of the rows?

I have a DataGrid table with columns name, phone. In column name I would like to add a picture near the name of the person. How can I add a picture in a datagrid row? <fx:Declarations> <fx:XMLList id="people" xmlns=""> <test> <name>moshe</name> <phone>555</phone> </test> </fx:XMLList> </fx...

Is it possible to create (good) flash animations in flash builder?

I know that all the cool animations are created in Flash (the program) unfortunately, I am not very good with it. However I like flash builder, because you can use a markup language and because it is better optimized for large projects. Can you create animations that are as good in flash builder? ...

Preload SWF and Images.

I have a flashbuilder project with a big image. The problem is that the default preloader does not load the images/swf's inside the project. Is there a way to preload them? ...

How to Make Flash Builder Package Explorer emulate Flex Builder's Navigator window?

Hi Does anyone know if there is a way to make the new Package Explorer window in Flash Builder emulate Flex Builders 'Flex navigator' window? Bottom line is I don't always need to peer into SWC's, and I don't like having a 'default package' automatically created for me. Not sure why the interface wasn't made simpler, allowing access to ...

How to turn off anti-aliasing for the text editor in Flash Builder?

Is it possible to turn off anti-aliasing for the text editor in Flash Builder on the Mac? For Flex Builder I was able to do this via the terminal using the following defaults write com.adobe.flexbuilder AppleAntiAliasingThreshold 20 defaults write com.adobe.flexbuilder AppleSmoothFixedFontsSizeThreshold 20 ...

Why does Flash Builder 4 use Flash Player instead of a browser to run apps?

I've got an old flex builder 3 project that I imported into Flash Builder 4, and I want this project to run its web applications in my web browser. However, the apps persistently run in the Flash Player instead. This is causing no end of problems because of the flash player bug documented at https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-209. Ho...

I have a problem implementing states in my Flex app, please help!

Hey guys, I'm trying to work out how to use states in my Flex app. I've created two states, State1 and Stage 2. Both are based off the base state. I've created a few visual elements for State1, and given each of them includeIn="State1". But when I'm in design mode and click on State2, these elements are still visible? Why is that? If ...