
How are most AS3 Video Players Created?

Are most flash video players created all programmatically? Or they done using static buttons that are referenced in classes? Is it better to create all your buttons on the fly or does it not really matter? ...

Debuging a CRASHING flash application

Hi, What is the best way to debug a CRASHING flash app ? (no exception, my application just crash) I am actualy facing a big problem: my app (full-flash website) was working fine with the flashplayer 9 but crash with the flashplayer 10... Here is the BAD method who crash my app with FP10. After removing the call to this method everythi...

Flex 3: Problem with Flash Player 10 Upgrade on Firefox

UPDATED INFO: Hi, I uninstalled Flash Player 10 and re-installed Flash Player 9 debug version. I also uninstalled and re-installed Firefox. Unfortunately, I'm getting the same problem. If I set Flex's browser to Safari in the preferences, then everything works fine. If I switch it to Firefox, then it blows up. My project has an image ...