
How to call JavaScript function from with in Flash application?

So in my AS file I want to call a function like public function JS(streamUri:String):void{ JavascriptCommand(streamUri) } to get my JS code running... How to do such thing (Example needed) ...

How to create multiple arrays from 2? (actionscript, flash)

so I have array like ParamsArray {a,b,a,a,...b} (so i have 2 kinds of parameters in this array - a and b) (here I have N strings) and another array - DataArray {data1,data2,...dataN} (different strings) (here I have N strings) Now I created 2 new arrays ArrayA and ArrayB and I wanta want to feel arra ArrayA with all data (strings) fr...

backgroundDisabledColor error when upgrading from Flex3 to FlashBuilder 4

I've upgraded a FlexBuilder3 project to FlashBuilder4, and I am seeing many compilation errors regarding unsupported tag attributes: The style 'backgroundDisabledColor' is only supported by type 'mx.controls.TextInput' with the theme(s) 'halo' Here is the offending mxml element: <mx:TextInput x="245" y="86" id="code1" maxChars="15" c...

How to record user interaction in Flash app?

I am looking for a way to capture the user interactions with a text input control in Flash over a period of time (not a screen cast)? For example: If the user enter some text, then delete, then enter something, I would be able to store that interaction as it happens and replay that later. Any help would be extremely useful Thanks ...

Flex4: Detect source Video size VideoPlayer?

Hi, Is it possible in Flex 4's VideoPlayer control (spark.components.VideoPlayer) to detect some attributes of the source video? In my case, it's a local file. I would need to detect the original width and height of the input source video (an h264 f4v). Thanks ...

Flex Action Script timeout issue

Hello, Our flex (flare) application keeps timing out when rendering large datasets. Is there anyway to prevent this? we have tried to increase the timeout in the Application tag and the compiler settings. Not mushc success. Any other thoughts? regards Sameer ...

menubar with susbsitems events

hi can any one help me regarding the events related to menubar sub items, here is some code iam working with <menuitem label="Home"/> <menuitem label="AboutUs"/> <menuitem label="CoursesOffered"> <menuitem label="UG"> <menuitem label="CSE"/> <menuitem label="EEE"/> ...

How can I use the same buildscript for Flash Builder 4 and Ant/Mvn?

I'm setting up a build system for a Flash Builder 4 (Flex 4) based project; and I'm struggling to get a setup that compiles in the IDE the same as it does from the command line on the build server. I come from a C# background; and my expectation is that I'll be able to create a "solution" with a collection of "projects" that I can compi...

One DataGrid Item Renderer for multiple columns

Hey, I'm trying to create a Flex DataGrid where the firstname and lastname are shown under each other, but in the DataGridColumn Ideally I would want to do something like <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="time"/> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="firstname,lastname" itemRenderer=...

AIR GUI testing

What do you guys recommend for AIR GUI testing? ...

AMF through a BinarySocket written in .net

Hi All, I have a windows service behaving as a Binary Socket sending data to flex applications. Once I try to send strings or int's or any other native data-type, everything is working great. I even succeeded in sending JSon from the server to the client parsing it on Flex. I want to send AMF objects to the client. Meaning, I have a ...

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count?

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count? I have a very big name coming in my y-axis and i want to reduce or restrict it to 5 characters and on rollover i want to display it in full. ...

Interaction between main flex application and component

Hello everybody. I made a login component for my flex 4 application, and i load this component from my main flex application with: <ns1:Login id="page_login" visible="true"></ns1:Login> Now i want to change the visibility from true to false, from the login component. Is there a way to do this kind of interaction? Thanx! ...

How to: RadioButton in custom DataGridColumn ItemRenderer in AS3

I have a datagrid that I want to add a column of radio button using AS3 (instead of mxml). I was able to do this with a custom itemRenderer. var dgc:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn(); dgc.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(com.mypackage.RadioBtnColumnItemRenderer); In my RadioBtnColumnItemRenderer.mxml, I have a box with a radioButt...

loaderInfo null inside creationComplete handler function

Hi, I've coded this small snippet to show what I'm not understanding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()"> <mx:Script> public function init():void { txtName.text = this.loaderInfo.toString(); } </mx:Script> ...

Translating CURL to FLEX HTTPRequests

I am trying to convert from some CURL code to FLEX/ActionScript. Since I am 100% ignorant about CURL and 50% ignorant about Flex and 90% ignorant on HTTP in general... I'm having some significant difficulty. The following CURL code is from http://code.google.com/p/ga-api-http-samples/source/browse/trunk/src/v2/accountFeed.sh I have eve...

Add effects to datagrid invalidate

Is it possible to add an effect to a datagrid when I call invalidatelist to update the data? If it can be done, can the effects be selectively applied to only certain cells in the grid? The grid is showing an array with some nested array in it. I'm using an int counter to keep track of the nested array element position. When the coun...

FlashBuilder4 RIA on GAE

I want to build a highly scalable "facebook for business" and after much testing am pretty set on FlashBuilder4 (Flex) with Google App Engine (GAE). What are your thoughts on the need/advisability of also using Spring/Cairngorm/etc frameworks? Frankly I don't have extensive experience coding, however feel the "MVC utopia" universally a...

Facebook app: Using Flex or JQuery

Hello; I am about to start a new project, a facebook app. There are two alternatives for client-side in my mind. Write Flex-Facebook app. Or write html with Ajax and Jquery. So what are your opinion, which do you recommend? What are the issues about each to take into account? Advantages, disadvantages, subjective opinion? Thank you h...

Flex: Result event multiple times

Hello everybody!! I am trying to learn Flex and now i have the next code: http://pastebin.com/rZwxF7w1 This code is for my login component. I want to get a special string for encrypting my password. This string is given by my authservice. But when i login i get a multiple times a alert with Done(line 69 in the pastebin code or line 4 i...