
Uploading image to flicker in c++

I am creating an application in VC++ using win32,wininet to upload an image to Flickr.I am able to get Frob,Token correctly but when I try to upload the image I am getting error Post size too large. Headers are created as follows wstring wstrAddHeaders = L"Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=ABCD\r\n"; wstrAddHeaders ...

Add Flickr RSS feed to Page via SimplePie

Hi all. I'm trying to add my recently uploaded flickr feed onto a site. I've followed tutorials with Simple Pie, but can't get what I desire. I need to be able dictate where each image will sit in multiple DIV's rather than just one repeated DIV. Here is a website which seems to do what I want.. It basically updates t...

flickr photosets for facebook pages

For a facebook fan page, I'm trying to find a facebook app to pull my flickr photos into either the facebook photos app or an app on facebook. I've tried myflickr but it seems to do only searches, not photosets in an album sort of way. Flickr Tab seems like a good fit but there is a fee to it, I don't think I can try it out before purch...

Flickr photo URL replacement regular expression

Hi, I'm trying to write a regular expression to modify URLs stored in a database (linking to photos on Flickr) so I can change the size of photos already on a site - E.g. Replace: 4724575242_ca7d120609.jpg with 4724575242_ca7d120609_z.jpg in a URL such as: The only change ...

Prototype + Flickr Ajax Request doesn't work with Firefox

Hi every one I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API, in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format in my case something like this If your r...

open Colorbox from text link

[EDITED QUESTION] I am using an image preview tooltip, which is making use of the rel attribute, so for the colorbox i am using the class="slideshow" to group the images together. I have this working fine, but i'd like to be able to open the slideshow from a text link, seen below. (rel="medium.jpg" is the image used for the image prev...

Retrieving flickr favorites

I can't get this to work... what could be the problem? import flickrapi api_key = '1234...' flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key) user = '43699959@N02' favs = flickr.favorites_getPublicList(user_id = user) >>> favs.items() [('stat', 'ok')] >>> favs.text '\n' Where are my favorite photo's? Note: It does work via this testing page:...

Flickr Geo queries not returning any data

I cannot get the Flickr API to return any data for lat/lon queries. view-source:,0,180,90 This should return something, anything. Doesn't work if I use lat/lng either. I can get some photos return...

Json and Flickr API

Hi, I've gone through the which is great, but I just want to customise the amount of Flickr images it pulls in(6) with the API. I know I could set a div with overflow:hidden to show the desired amount, but I don't want the code to be hacky. Can anyone help? Also I'd like to displa...

Flickr and Youtube integration on Android

HI ALL I need to show : 1) Photostream of a particular account on flickr in a grid view. 2) List OR Grid of you tube videos for a particular channel. Please suggest tutorials OR link to do that. Thanks.. ...

[Project] Image Website => Picasa or Flickr ?

Hi everyone ! I have just a simple question ! Basically, I want to make a website with lots of images (users contributions). I already have the host, but it's limited in disk space (10 Gigas). I know it represents a huge amount of image, but I prefer planning this, and host them elsewhere before the disk is full. I was thinking of Flick...

JQuery / Flickr API issue with get Photo set...

I have been trying to put together a photo albumn system that is managed via Flickr, I have been spending the past day or so playing around with the Flickr API and have the following code, but it just doesn't return the expected HTML. insetad I get an error in my browser for the line above ($('#images').html(theHtml);) <script type="t...

get 5 random favorites from flickr

Hello! I need to retrieve 5 random favorites photos from a flickr profile. I've got perfect Moonpix-Flickr Gem to work with Flickr API. And it works great, by using method .favorites I can get full list of user's favorites photos. It returns as Flickr::PhotoCollection and I don't know how to get 5 random records from it. Thanks in a...

JQuery & Flickr API, not getting photoset details correctly

Hi, I amy trying to use the Flickr API to create a photo gallery on my website, I have the API & photoset, and am using the Flickr method 'getPhotos' which returns the photos from a given Set and I am calling this using jQuery. My javascript all seems to be working fine except whilst the details of the Flickr photoset are being return...

How do I directly upload a file stream to Flickr using a CURL POST?

I'm writing a web app that at one point allows a user to upload a photo to a flickr account (mine). I want to do this without saving the intermediate image on the server my web app is on. What I've got so far is a page which implements phpFlickr and accepts a POST from a simple html form. I use $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] as the path f...

Desktop Flickrj Java Authentication Flow

I'm using the Flickrj API to log into flickr. For READ only access its fine, but I can't seem to correctly auth when i need WRITE access to add tags to photos. As i understand the basic auth flow Get a frob Pass that frob requesting WRITE access, this returns a URL. Call the URL to recieve a flickr token Use the token in all subsequen...

Flickr API Error, Json callback

Hi Guys , why I have this kind of error in my code : "Error: jsonFlickrApi is not defined" $.getJSON(';api_key=669158895706254986e97354a3c7e9a9&amp;photoset_id=72157623477817483&amp;extras=original_format&amp;format=json&amp;jsoncallback;=?', function(da...

ZEND Framework with Flickr

I'm referencing this page In order to pull all albums off a flickr page. But it only lists 6 'methods' tagSearch() userSearch() getIdByUsername() getIdByEmail() groupPoolGetPhotos() getImageDetails() Where do I get a list of all the methods? ...

Drupal: posting photos from Drupal site to Facebook, Flickr and a twitter update -- all at same time. Looking for API.

Is there existing code available that provides functionality in Drupal to: - post from a Drupal website, photos into Facebook, Flickr accounts - view the photos also in the Drupal site from one of these sites (preferrably Flickr) - update a twitter feed to indicate photos have been published (If there isn't then I'm happy to reuse exist...

Json problem in flickr

I have this json but I have no idea how to get 7796249@N02 a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:8:"username";a:1:{s:8:"_content";s:9:"ilhan.z.y";}}s:4:"stat";s:2:"ok";} ...