
How to make CSS float left not bend around when browser width is shrunk

I have 2 div boxes. It's all working fine but when the browser is shrunk to less than 800 pixels or so, the second div moves underneath the first div. How can I force it to always stay to the right of it? #testbox1 { background-color: #0000ff; min-width: 300px; width: 30%; height: 200px; position: relative; float: left; } #testbox2 { b...

C#: Convert Byte array into a float

I have a 4 byte array byte[] source = new byte[4]; Now I wanted to convert this source into a 4-byte float value... Can anyone tell me how to do this... ...

Width of li with two floats different in IE, correct in FF

I've worked out most of the kinks with my "lava-lamp" effect that I'm trying to create. Basically I want two curly braces (both are images) to wrap a list-item, then follow over to the next list-item. I always build in FF, then make exceptions for IE. I can't figure out what exception I need to make! I'm using an absolutely positione...

C# define string format of double/floats to be US english by default

I have got several thousands of lines of a web application source code, initially written on a US development system, to maintain. It makes heavy use of SQL statement strings, which are combined on the fly, e.g. string SQL = "select * from table where double_value = " + Math.Round(double_value, 2); Don't comment on bad programming sty...

bytes convert to float (php)

How can I convert from bytes to float in php? Like in Java int i = (byte3 & 0xff) << 24 | (byte2 & 0xff) << 16 | (byte1 & 0xff) << 8 | byte0 & 0xff; Float.intBitsToFloat(i); ...

Why Java double print format differs depending on using String.format or not

This code: System.out.println(String.format("%f", Math.PI)); System.out.println(Math.PI); produces that result on my computer: 3,141593 3.141592653589793 Why does the first line print float number with comma while the second one uses dot? ...

How to float all child divs to center inside a parent div?

i use a parent div with three child divs , <div id="parentDiv"> <div id="PagerUp" class="pager"> </div> <div id="ResultsDiv"> </div> <div id="PagerDown" class="pager"> </div> </div> But what i get is this http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5923/floatingdivs.jpg How to float all those divs to center.... Hin...

Float: left not showing up after a certain point.

http://test.jptgraphics.com/products?cat=APPAREL This works fine in Safari but shows incorrectly in the latest version of Firefox ( was fine in 3.5) and in some versions of IE. In the middle column the product thumbnails drop down below when the 'float: left;' parameter is used. It is as if it is being escaped by a tag from that point ...

Why is there no better representation for floating points than sign and magnitude?

We have 2's complement for integers that allows us to perform operations without worrying about the sign. That is a big help at the implementation level. Similarly we have so many floating point operations and yet we rely on sign and magnitude. What is the reason? Why can't a 2's complement like system work for floats? ...

Define array of float values in Actionscript 1.0

I am trying to make an array of 3 floats in Actionscript 1.0, but instead of incrementing the X & Y variables by 1, it just adds 1 to the end of the previous value. This has nothing to do with Flash, it is being used for an extension for a server that requires extensions in Actionscript 1.0. var uVars = []; uVars.X = 250; uVars.Y = 3;...

Doing a float division without installing additional gems?

Let's say I have these two floats: a = 50.0 b = 1048576.0 c = a/b By printing c, I get this: 4.76837158203125e-005 Doing the division with calc.exe gives me the result 0.0000476837158203125 . Is there any way of achieving the same thing with Ruby without installing any additional gem? ...

Is there a good radixsort-implementation for floats in C#

I have a datastructure with a field of the float-type. A collection of these structures needs to be sorted by the value of the float. Is there a radix-sort implementation for this. If there isn't, is there a fast way to access the exponent, the sign and the mantissa. Because if you sort the floats first on mantissa, exponent, and on exp...

Is there a floating point value of x, for which x-x == 0 is false?

In most cases, I understand that a floating point comparison test should be implemented using over a range of values (abs(x-y) < epsilon), but does self subtraction imply that the result will be zero? // can the assertion be triggered? float x = //?; assert( x-x == 0 ) My guess is that nan/inf might be special cases, but I'm more int...

CSS float column extending over footer

Hi, I am having a problem with my CSS whereby the right hand column in a 2 column layout is extending beyond the footer. I have tried playing with the clear: both; property but I cannot get it to work.. the second column has the id column2 both columns use the class column. The footer html has the id footerWrapper Both columns and ...

Put text directly to the left of an <LI>

I have a list of songs, and I want to put the word "New!" to the left of the new songs like this: How can I do this so that all the songs line up? I.e., I want the names of songs that aren't new to line up with the names of songs that are new, not with the start of the word "New" Note that this is trivial if "New!" is an image. I.e.,...

Is there a current bug with FireFox 3 relating to clearing a float and it ignoring negative margins?

I've been doing some Googling, but haven't really found a straight answer. I'm curious to know if Firefox 3 has a bug when trying to apply a negative margin to a div that is either clearing a float or contains another element being floated? Firefox seems to ignore the negative margin, but Web-kit browses respect it accordingly. ...

Getting maximum value of float in SQL programatically

Is there an method for programatically (in T-SQL) retrieving the maximum (and minimum) value of a datatype? That it would act like float.MaxValue in C#. I would like to use it in some selection when the parameter does not equal any actual values in the database, so I would use something like declare @min float declare @max float --fill...

PHP is not returning me a number type

Hello, i tryed to follow that great tutorial (STAR rating with css : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987524/turn-a-number-into-star-rating-display-using-jquery-and-css) but i've just a big problem : When i do <span class="stars">1.75</span> or $foo='1.75'; echo '<span class="stars">'.$foo.'</span> the stars is correctly sh...

CSS: "float:left" doesn't work as expected

hi, I want to display 2 columns of images using "float:left", and I dunno why the 3rd image is on the right. See screenshot:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72686/imagesFloat.png See HTML: <div class="field-item odd"> <img alt="" class="filefield-imagecache-galleryImage" src="http://localhost/bernardi/sites/default/...

Why does this simple division between 2 floats not work with java ?

System.out.println((26.55f/3f)); or System.out.println((float)( (float)26.55 / (float)3.0 )); etc. returns the result 8.849999. not 8.85 as it should. Can anyone explain this or should we all avoid using floats? ...