
Prevent wrapping in nested floated items in CSS

I have a div that contains many floated child items. Each child item is a div containing an input and a label. In Firefox it looks fine, but in IE7, the last item on a line is wrapped to fit, rather than being moved to the next line. How do I fix this? ...

CSS - width not honored on span tag

Hi All I have a issue with one of my spans. Please cosider the following styles: .form_container .col1che { float: left; width: 4%; text-align: left; } .form_container .col2che { float: left; width: 80%; text-align:left; } .form_container .col3che { float: right; width: 13%; text-align:right; } These 3 spans in my cod...

What are the rules mysql uses for displaying float values?

I'm storing values in a column defined as float. When I read back these values from the database they sometimes differ much more from the original values than I would expect (I know that float doesn't store exact values, please take a look at the example to see what I mean). Here's my test case: drop table if exists float_test; create...

Div float & negative margin question

Hiya, I hope this is a simple one, but I can't seem to be able to crack it quickly... I've got a 2 column layout, with the content in the right column being dynamic and ajax driven. So the page height changes depending on what is in the right column. I want to have a small flash file (400px x 200px) bolted on to the bottom of the pag...

How would one make it so that divs do not stack upon one another based on browser window size or screen resolution when divs are floated to the left?

Sorry if my wording is... unclear. I really had no idea how to properly explain my dilemma. But lets seen if I can do it better here... I am making a blog in which posts will be displayed and scrolled through horizontally, rather than vertically. Each blog post is displayed in a separate div, and the divs are displayed side by side by f...

Trouble with Float in Objective-c [SOLVED]

I've a small problem and I can't find a solution! My code is (this is only a sample code, but my original code do something like this): float x = [@"2.45" floatValue]; for(int i=0; i<100; i++) x += 0.22; NSLog(@"%f", x); the output is 52.450001 and not 52.450000 ! I don't know because this happens! Thanks for any help! ~SO...

sIFR 3 r436 Opera + Firefox float issue

I’m having an issue with sifr placed next to a floated img, Opera 9.6 is forcing the text to clear the image and display on one line. Firefox is also forcing the text to clear the first time the page is loaded, although a refresh fix’s this and the problem will never occur again, only to return if cache is cleared and the browser restart...

Vertical menu using :hover breaks in IE

http://www.thelisthq.net/datetest.php If you view the page in firefox, chrome, or ie 8 with compatibility mode off the vertical menu works fine. My tactic was to float the whole menu to the right and reverse the bullets (bullets on the right). If you view it in earlier versions of ie it breaks. I can't think of how to fix this, I tried ...

How can I get the TRUE height of a div?

I'm trying to determine the height of a div. This sounds simple, but is complicated by the fact that it's only descendant contents are floated, so asking for the height/outerHeight (using jQuery)/clientHeight/offsetHeight only returns 0, even though it's clear that on the page, it is rendered certainly with a height. Here is an example o...

Convert list of floats into buffer in Python?

I am playing around with PortAudio and Python. data = getData() stream.write( data ) I want my stream to play sound data, that is represented in Float32 values. Therefore I use the following function: def getData(): data = [] for i in range( 0, 1024 ): data.append( 0.25 * math.sin( math.radians( i ) ) ) return dat...

Two columns in div - Which one to use 1) float along with margin or 2) Two floats

Hi, I have two divs in a container. One is left bar and another is right bar. I need some advice/suggestions to use which method. Method 1: #container{ width:800px; margin:0 auto;} #leftbar{ float:left; width:200px; } #rightbar{ float:right: width:550px;} Method 2: #container{width:800px; margin:0 auto;} #leftbar{ float:left; width...

latex, multicol, figure*

I am using the multicol package, with two columns, and need a figure to span both columns. I am aware of \begin{figure*}, but I do not want the figure to float. I have been googling for about an hour, to no avail. Any help would be great. ...

xhtml css floats etc help

I'm really thinking of going back to tables because this is just #¤€&/@£ always something.... <div style="float: left; width: 20%"> #1 <a>SmokA</a><br /> <small>Admin</small><br /> <small>2009-08-07</small> </div> <div style="float: right; width: 80%"> I would buy a boat </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div style="border-to...

How to use expr on float?

I know it's really stupid question, but I don't know how to do this in bash: 20 / 30 * 100 It should be 66,67 but expr is saying 0, because it doesn't support float. What command in Linux can replace expr and do this equalation? ...

Read binary C float in Actionscript 3?

I have binary C/C++ data types (e.g. in memory version of a C float) which I need to read into Actionscript 3 and would prefer not to code this from scratch. Anyone know of any libraries, sample code, pseudo code to help with this? For example: C/C++ app: float f = 1.1; SaveFloatToFile(f, 'myfile.bin'); Actionscript 3 app: var ba:...

How do I convert unicode characters to floats in Python?

I am parsing a webpage which has Unicode representations of fractions. I would like to be able to take those strings directly and convert them to floats. For example: "⅕" would become 0.2 Any suggestions of how to do this in Python? ...

How do I calculate the numeric value of a string with unicode components in python?

Along the lines of my previous question, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263796/how-do-i-convert-unicode-characters-to-floats-in-python , I would like to find a more elegant solution to calculating the value of a string that contains unicode numeric values. For example, take the strings "1⅕" and "1 ⅕". I would like these to resolve...

Printing the value of a float to 2 decimal places

I have a float with the value of e.g 57.400002. I use sprintf_s to display the value on my GUI. sprintf_s(xPosition, 19, "%f", xPositionValue); How can I format the float so it displays as 57.40? ...

How to prevent the floating layout wrapping when firefox zoom is reduced

Given the following HTML. It display two columns: #left, #right. Both are fixed width and have 1px borders. Width and borders equal the size of upper container: #wrap. When I zoom out Firefox 3.5.2 by pressing Ctrl+- columns get wrapped (demo). How to prevent this? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w...

CSS Float border overlap issues

I'm trying to float a menu to the left of the page, and when it gets large enough to reach the content below, Firefox bumps the content over exactly as it should... except for the border. Here is a screenshot with a few items: And another with several items "Box 4" gets moved over as expected, but its border stays at the left. O.o...