
RichTextBox vs FlowDocumentScrollViewer - Why do they look so different?

I have a very simple xaml file where I am passing the same Paragraph and Run elements to both a RichTextBox and a FlowDocumentScrollViewer. The both look radically different - which is not what I was expecting. I understand that you can style either the FlowDocument or the containers so they look the same but I was expecting them both t...

Get controls by position within wpf FlowDocumentScrollViewer

I have a FlowDocument with much content inside. I need to get the controls that are currently in the visible area. with DependencyObject obj = FlowDocumentScrollViewerCtrl; do { if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj) > 0) { obj = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj as Visual, 0); } } while (!(obj is ScrollViewer)); ...

FlowDocument with dinamyc content (BlockUIContainer)

Hello everebody. I write simple xaml-file in notepad: <FlowDocument AllowDrop="True" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"&gt;&lt;Paragraph /> <BlockUIContainer><Button Tag="another.xaml">Next...</Button> </BlockUIContainer></FlowDocument> This file contains BlockUIContainer with Button inside. Button also ...

How can I produce a "print preview" of a FlowDocument in a WPF application?

Various WPF applications of mine display FlowDocument's. I'm able to print them, using the approach described in the answer to Printing a WPF FlowDocument. Now I'd like to add a "print preview" capability. In the normal case, I am printing the FlowDocument that is displayed in the Window, and so I wouldn't need a Print Preview then....

Horizonatal Scrolling in FlowDocumentScrollViewer

I have a flow document with images (created from drawings). I have provided a button for the user to enlarge the images (zoom) independently without zooming the text. Is there anyway, I can force the FlowDocumentScrollViewer to display a horizontal scrollbar for scrolling when the images are enlarged? Currently, the enlarged images are ...

FlowDocumentScrollViewer woes

My goal is to have exandable sections in a flow document. This XAML works, BUT 1- if you change the root from grid to stackpanel the scrollbar no longer works. 2 - Exand section 1. Scrolldown and you'll see the Toolbar at the bottom and Section 2 below that - even tho IsToolBarVisible="False". Perhaps I need to structure the FlowDocum...