
Optimum encoding standard for flowplayer to play mp4

I'm using flow player 3.1.1 for streaming videos to my browser.The videos are uploaded by the users and they may upload different formats. What will be solution to stream the videos as mp4 , what ever be the format they upload. I'm currently using ffmpeg commands. ffmpeg -i "InputFile.mp4" -sameq -vcodec libx264 -r 35 -acodec libfaac -y...

Fancybox not showing over flowplayer IE issue?

I'm having a really strange issue, I have a flowplayer video, and next to that is an image that when clicked shows in a fancybox, in webkit, mozilla it works fine, but IE decides to put the video in front of the slide. I thought this might be related to the z-index, but everything seems fine there. Fancybox gives the loading image a z-i...

Disable swf file replay while single click

Im using flowplayer to stream swf files,these swf files are generated by adobe captivate. During the playback when i click the video it restarts to the beginning of the file. What will be option to disable the video replay while clicking inside player during playback ...

disable double click in flowplayer 3

How to disable double click in flowplayer 3 in full screen mode? ...

Jquery flowplayer - tabs - content inside div tags not displaying

Hey guys, I'm looking for a simple example of JQuery tabs in which I am planning to show two different forms. I came across this example http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/tabs/index.htm which is perfect for my needs. So I implemented the simple example. The code in question is: <div class="panes"> <div>First tab content. Tab con...

Detect Flowplayer on page and add event listener

Hi. I'm using the html5media library, which automatically replaces the HTML5 video tag on the page with the Flowplayer Flash player for browsers that don't support the video tag. This happens on IE and some older browsers. I need to detect if the Flowplayer exists on the page and add an event listener to each instance that fires off a J...

flowplayer script does not show two videos when <table> tag is applied

I am using a flowplayer and have two js scripts so I can play two videos can be displayed but not autostart. The problem I am having is that as soon as I add a tag around my script tags only the second video shows the player and actually plays. Here is the script code I am using: <script src="http://assets.luc.edu/ignation/resources/ig...

Can I determine FLV dimensions using FlowPlayer?

I'm currently integrating a custom Flash Video player plugin into a .Net CMS. The plugin editor currently requires the user to provide the video's width and height in order for my code to push out the relevant dimensions to the FlowPlayer. I was wondering, is there a way to automatically determine the FLV width and height rather than h...

Using Amazon S3 to Host Flash Videos... Why does the FlashVar show no file extension?

I'm using FlowPlayer to replace an existing FLV player on my site that plays videos from Amazon E3. I have many pages and each should show a different video. For each page, I have a value stored in my CMS that is the "streamName". The stream name corresponds to a flashvars paramenter in the object/embed tags that show the video player...

How to use FlowPlayer to show YouTube videos

A post on the FlowPlayer.org forum says: It is technically possible to stream YouTube videos directly with Flowplayer ... but doesn't give an example :( Here is the related post: http://flowplayer.org/forum/7/17501 How can I use FlowPlayer to show YouTube videos? ...

Flowplayer: Play an mp3 from a URL that doesn't end in .mp3

Hi, I'm pretty new to flowplayer and have been trying to get it to play an mp3 where the URL doesn't end with .mp3 but streams mp3 correctly. Could someone please give me some direction? This is how my code looks currently: flowplayer( "player", "flowplayer-3.2.2.swf", { plugins: { ...

FlowPlayer onError - updating clip URL

I am looking to change the URL of a clip when the stream is not found. I am properly configuring the onError event, as I can debug the specific line or add an alert, but what I am having trouble with is the following: onError : function(errorCode, errorMessage) { this.getClip(0).update( { url : 'http://full-url.com/images/stream-not...

How to hide url of the embedded mov files in drupal using swftools ?

How can I hide or obfuscate the url of the embedded mov files in drupal using swftools and flowplayer 3 as the video player. I tried using SWFObject2 but infact it outputs the url very clearly. The site is basically a online video selling site, so I want to be able to prevent users to download the videos on their computer. ...

Flash video streaming - getting my toes wet

I'm working on a project that will involve having a couple thousand short videos online. I haven't done anything with online video before and this is all a bit new to me, so I am looking for some general advice... I would like to use Flowplayer, and I would like to encode the videos as H264s. I am enamoured with Flowplayer's slow moti...

Recreate this flowplayer demo but with tabs instead of scrollable

I have flowplayer tabs with a form inside. Basically i want to recreate the flowplayer scrollable wizard demo and the way it's validation works but with tabs instead. I've tried simply replacing the scrollable parts of the js with tabs but it's not working, it's not erroring either. If anyone can help i would be massively grateful! Be...

problem in flv video streaming in sharepoint 2010

i'm using flowPlayer inside a user control in sharepoint 2010 this user control works well when testing it in normal web page but when i put it in a web part in a sharepoint project the player appears blank and movie doesn't work ** this problem may be casued by IIS7 any ideas please ...

jQuery Tools - Slideshow

Hi there, I am trying to get familar with the jQuery Tools - Slideshow from Flowplayer (http://flowplayer.org/tools/tabs/slideshow.html). Has anybody a hint for me how to select e.g. tab2 as start default, or how to switch to another tab when starting? Thanks in advance, Juergen ...

Flowplayer is above modal window

In my web application, I have webpages where people can watch videos. I'm using Flowplayer for playing flash videos. You can see it here: http://flowplayer.org/ I also use modal windows in my web application. I'm creating them with this jQuery plugin: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-modalbox-plugin/ Modal windows work great. The only p...

Why won't my playlist work?

Cross-posted on the Flowplayer forums, but no response there yet, so I hope someone here could help. I'm having no success at all using the Playlist plugin. I've followed the examples at http://flowplayer.org/plugins/javascript/playlist.html closely, and I get the initial clip to work, but the Playlist plugin does not seem to register. ...

Regex to replace FLV PLayer in PHP for CKEditor.

So I've got the following HTML code: <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"&gt;&lt;param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="movie" value="/uploads/flash/test1.flv" /><embed pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/...