
Mapping an interface and concrete class with FluentNHibernate

I'm trying to map an interface and concrete class with fluentnhibernate. here's my interface / class: public interface IUser { int Id { get; set; } } public class User: IUser { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } here's my mapping files: public class IUserM...

Using MyGeneration with Fluent NHibernate

Hi All, I found a fantastic template for NHibernate code generation using MyGeneration here, http://vucetica.blogspot.com/2009/01/nhibernate-template-for-mygeneration.html This creates XML mapping files with the extension hbm.xml. I was wonder if anybody knows of templates which support fluent NHibernate which defines the mapping usi...

How to fluent-map this (using fluent nhibernate)?

I have two tables in my database "Styles" and "BannedStyles". They have a reference via the ItemNo. Now styles can be banned per store. So if style x is banned at store Y then its very possible that its not banned at store Z or vice verse. What is the best way now to map this to a single entity? Should I be mapping this to a single entit...

Fluent NHibernate table per class hierarchy multiple tables mapping problem

Hello! I've got a problem with fluent nhibernate table per class hierarchy mapping. I've got 2 domain objects, container (baseclass) and album (subclass). Album only contains a constructor. Container dervies from EntityWithTypedId from Sharp Architect. EntityWithTypedId provides the key of type Guid (the name is ContainerId). public cl...

How do you automap List<float> or float[] with Fluent NHibernate?

Having successfully gotten a sample program working, I'm now starting to do Real Work with Fluent NHibernate - trying to use Automapping on my project's class heirarchy. It's a scientific instrumentation application, and the classes I'm mapping have several properties that are arrays of floats e.g. private float[] _rawY; ...

OOP - Modelling Client and Employees class with Person as a base.

Apologies if this was already asked but, I have had a look and can't find anything. I am trying to work out the best way to model the following in C#. I have sketched out a few idea but none of them feel right. I have created an abstract 'Person' class. My application will have Clients and Employees. Obviously, A Client is a Person An ...

Saving an image with FluentNHibernate

I have a WPF app that lets the user select an image from a file dialog. The same app opens a SQLite database with Fluent NHibernate (auto mapping). I try to convert the image to byte array and save it, but for some reason it's not doing it and for some other reason I see my db file in the image folder. Any one knows how to fix this? ...

Forcing an identity insert with NHibernate / Fluent Nhibernate

We have a fairly robust system using NHibernate, we're in the middle of migrating from a single database server to having two servers, one for administration and one for our public facing web site. This is mainly so that we can do things like content management with workflow that won’t affect the current site. As of today, they are tw...

Fluent nHibernate keeps recreating my database, why?

Hi, I'm trying to convert my data layer from Linq2Sql to nHibernate. I think Xml the configuration in nHibernate is pretty backwards so I'm using Fluent. I've managed to get fluent, add in a repository pattern and unit of work pattern, and my unit tests are looking good. However now as I'm plugging it into my services layer I'm noticin...

WCF FluentNhibernate Session managment and cache

hello, i'm trying to understand how and if its possible to keep a session open on a wcf service. the problem is that if i select an entity and pass it to the client and than return it to the server with the same session, i get an exception cause session dont know this entity any more (the reference changed because of wcf). so i have t...

NHibernate Search in a List using ICriteria...

Hello... I have my class X : public class ClassX { public virtual IList<ClassY> ListY { get; set; } ... } My ClassX mapping (using Fluent) ... HasMany<ClassX>(x => x.ListY ) .Inverse() .Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan() .KeyColumns.Add("`IDX`"); ... My Y class: public class ClassY { ... public...

NHibernate Code Generation

Hi All, I am working with NHibernate, and a few code generation tools. MyGeneration is one and SmartCode is the other. This question has been asked before, but I have looked at some other responses and found that the code generation tools in the nHibernate space to be pretty poor. I might be able to get away with MyGeneration and Smar...

Fluent NHibernate mapping a composite ID from inherited composite IDs

Let's say I have an existing database with the following 3 tables: Table1: (PK)T1ID1 (PK)T1ID2 Table2: (PK)T2ID1 Table3: (FK)T1ID1 (FK)T1ID2 (FK)T2ID1 (Where the 3 keys come from the tables above) My question is: How do I map Table3 with Fluent NHibernate? What is confusing to me is what to do about the fact that its composite keys c...

Mapping a dictionary in Fluent Nhibernate through a secondary key

I have a legacy DB which uses a guid to map children to the parent entity. In my domain layer, I'd prefer to obscure this quirk, so I'd like to have my parent entity look like this: public class Parent { virtual public int Id {get; protected set; } virtual public string ParentContent { get; set; } virtual public Guid Refer...

Fluent NHibernate AutoMapping with discriminator

I'm trying to map inheritance with discriminator, but subclasses don't have discriminator value. How to solve it using AutoMappings? Domain objects are as following: public abstract class Item : GuidIdentityEntity { public virtual string Name { get; set; } } public class Product : Item {} public class RawMaterial : Item {} Config...

How do I convert an object from Reflection to a generic collection?

I'm trying to write a Compare method to compare properties in some POCOs using Reflection to ensure that they've been persisted to the database correctly. For example, let's say I have this POCO: public class NoahsArk { public string Owner { get; set; } public ICollection<Animal> Animals { get; set; } } What I want to do is th...

automapping nested components naming conventions

Hi, Im making the switch from Fluent Mapping to Automapping in my current project. If I have the following domain: public class Matter{ public Client Client{get;set;} } public class Client { public Name Name{get;set;} } public class Name{ public string FirstName{get;set;} public string LastName{get;set;} } When Autom...

Fluent NHibernate Mapping Question

Hi, We have the following situation: Consider a Contract object that has a GUID primary key and a unique key (for legacy issues). This Contract should be mapped on the Contracts table. Now, we have Operation, which has a GUID primary key, the unique key of the contract, and other properties. For each contract there are many operations. W...

FluentNHibernate: can't change key column name for a one-to-many relationship

Hi I have an entity: public class Message:Entity { public virtual IList<Message> ReplayMessages { set; get; } public virtual Message ParentMessage { set; get; } } I try to override the mapping: mapping.HasMany(x => x.ReplayMessages) .AsSet() .KeyColumnNames.Add("ParentId"); but i...

Fluent-NHibernate: How to a create a many-to-many relationship with a unique contraint

Hi. I want to create a many to many relationship, but I want to have in the new table(MessageReceivers) a unique contraint on both columns (AdvanceMessageId,UserId): mapping.HasManyToMany(x => x.Receivers) .WithParentKeyColumn("AdvanceMessageId") .WithChildKeyColumn("UserId") .Cascade.All(...