Trying to create a select list with a first option text set to an empty string. As a data source I have a List of a GenericKeyValue class with properties "Key" & "Value". My current code is as follows.
<%= this.Select(x => x.State).Options(ViewData[Constants.StateCountry.STATES] as IList<GenericKeyValue>, "Value", "K...
If I understand things correctly, to use MVC Contrib's FluentHtml in my Views, I need to change my Views to inherit from MvcContrib.FluentHtml.ModelViewPage instead of System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage.
Will I lose any functionality provided by System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage if I do that?
What I'm looking to do is set a Foreign Key object in an EF entity via FluentHtml. I have an entity of Foo with a reference to the object Bar via Foo.Bar. What I am trying to do is set the value of Bar in my view form. My models contains a collection of all Bars via Model.Bars. In my view I'm simply using <%= this.Select(m => m.Foo.Bar)....
I'm attempting to use fluent html and the spark view engine in my mvc application.
I've assinged the proper base class, added the assemblies, and when i do this.TextBox("MyProperty") it works fine.
However I get the below exception when i attempt to use this.TextBox(m=>m.MyProperty).
Any idea what can be causing this?
Hi there, I just recently started dabbling in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and came across the wonderful MVCContrib. I had originally gone down the path of creating some extended html helpers, but after finding FluentHTML decided to try my hand at creating a custom input element. Basically I am wanting to ultimately create several custom input elemen...
I'm working in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 using MvcContrib FluentHtml version 1.0.
The following code doesn't work because float is a C# keyword.
<%= this.TextBox(m => m.Name).Styles(float => "left") %>
How do I define the "float" css style using the Styles method in FluentHtml?
I have just started to discover FluentHml and I'm stuck with the CheckBoxList Helper.
Here is the code
.Options(criteria.Choices, x => x.Code, x => x.DisplayText)
.Label(criteria.Label).ItemFormat("<li> {0} </li>")