
.flv video not playing fully

I have an application that lets the admin upload videos which can then be viewed by logged in users. Now, the problem is that no matter what the length of the video is, the video does not play for more than a few minutes. Has anyone faced such a problem and any suggestions on what the problem might be? ...

FLVPlayback component in Flash 8 (AS2) and support for HD H.264 video

I have developed a video player using Flash 8 Professional and the FLVPlayback component. Recently I have been testing a few 720p .mov files converted to FLV by FFMPEG running on an encoding server. I am noticing that these files do not play back in my video player. It appears that they do not have any audio attached to them but when I p...

Problem with webcam video streaming with FMS

The problem is when using function publish from NEtStream object. Error event is "NetStream.Record.NoAccess". I think problem is with configuration FMS. How i connect(it connect successfully) connection.connect("rtmp://localhost/vod"); connection.client = this; Trying: connection.connect("rtmp://localhost/live"); connection.connec...

How to access embedded files in SWFKit

I'm using SWFKit to create a native windows app from flash project. I want to embed video in project via SWFKit and then use it in flash. Looks like I've found a way to embed external file but I can't find manual about how to access this embedded file via ActionScript in flash movie. So the question is how can I access file "bridge.f...

How to get an FLV to play inside a SWF that is embedded in another SWF?

Yes, it is a strange situation but we have a SWF (with FLA source) that is embedded inside another SWF (no source) by an auto process. The first SWF has a link to a FLV video file. When the SWF with the FLV is embedded it plays but does not show the FLV - just the blinking FLV mime type icon. The problem is that we can embed the FLV bu...

What's the logic i need to make this work? PHP Video manipulation with third party control functionality.

I am a php newbie so i may be completely off here. But this is what i want to do. Have a user upload a video to my site. This then has a 30 second clip from our database added to it. Which can be downloaded by the user for upload on any third party websites. Essentially the video is a flv or mpeg4, etc. But now with the 30 second cli...

swf to flv converter

any tools that are freely downloadable to convert swf to flv format. (not their trial version) ...

streaming flvs without streaming server

Hello and thank you, I would like help setting up a streaming flv(300megs) several on the server(linux) This not a streaming server. please see site www.westafricanmovie.com note the test downloads(streams) the customer does not want movie downloadable(or saved to the harddrive) must play from web page? You can see the testmovies that ar...

Youtube downloader.

string host = "http://youtube.com/v/"; string end = ".flv"; WebClient Client = new WebClient (); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"ids.txt"); string line; do { line = sr.ReadLine(); Client.DownloadFile(host+line+end,line+end); } while...

flash video not working in aspx files

i have a .swf and .flv file and they work perfectly when i open them by double clicking on the swf file. But when i call it inan aspx page, it doesnt open. i checked IIS7 and in MIME types i have .flv and video/x-flv inherited. why wont it work? ...

Random point on VideoDisplay isn't accurate enough

For a schoolassigment me and some buddies of mine are creating an application that is showing many similarities with the C-Mon & Kypski musicvideo on www.oneframeoffame.com. The application is being developed in Flex. We want to get a random point of a clip, let it pause so a user can mimic the pose and make a snapshot out of it. What ...

how do sites like toufee or mouvee work ?

Hi, Was just wondering how do these sites (and many other softwares that generate flash movies from audio clips,images , docs) work ? how do they compile the media files(audio/image/vid) into a flv movie on the server ? Can the same be done using some open source tech. Any info or hint or some direction where i'd get more info regardin...

Is there a way to use AS3's Sound Object methods on an FLV

I'm recording and playing back mic input using Flash Media Server, and even though it's just audio, we're saving the output as FLV. I'd like to get a waveform of the recorded audio. Ideally, since we already have a lot of saved/recorded audio, I'd like something that can take a loaded FLV and get the waveform, as opposed to generating it...

Video encoding Help

Hi guys, I'm doing one research on video encoding tools for flv. I tested flvtool2 and Yamddi, but I'm losing lots of quality of video. Does anyone recommend any other tool or algorithm to keep the maximum quality of the movie in flv? Regards, Pedro ...

I need the Flv converter from swf and mp4 files

I need the flv converter from swf and mp4 files without any of the website logo or any watermarks. Please suggest some websites ...

How do we prevent the flash player from loading "large" files more than once.

How to avoid reloading of "large" movie files but keep them in cache. Keeping a movie in a cycle, where a large 50MB - 300MB movie file is displayed from time to time. Currently my program stores smaller movie files, but the large ones is reloaded every time. To find a solution on this is better than to degrade the movie to a worse fra...

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV container?

Is there any Good opensource not C\C++ library for playing with FLV conteider? So I need it in AS3 but Java or C# will be fine=) I need to be able to put in flv audio track andsome bitmaps (with some exact timestamps relativly to my audio track) So Is there ay or I have to implement all bymy self just reading spetificatiopon? ...

FLV container. How to add mp3 as audio track?

So I have an mp3 file. I have some frames inserted. Now I Need to insert this track as flv sound. How to du such thing (for frames insert I use this class http://www.zeropointnine.com/blog/simpleflvwriteras-as3-class-to-create-flvs/ ) ...

ffmpeg 0.5 flv to wav conversion creates wav files that other programs won't open.

Hi, I am using the following command to convert FLV files to audio files to feed into julian, a speech to text program. cat ./jon2.flv | ffmpeg -i - -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f wav - | cat - > jon2.wav The cat's are there for debugging purposes as the final use will be a running program that will pipe FLV into ffmpeg's ...

Which Flash video format is more compressed, FLV or H264?

I read an Adobe article which demonstrated H.264 video playback support in Flash Player. Would video encoded in this format be more compressed than typical FLV videos? Should I be using this format for video I place on websites from now on? ...