
Builder vs Flyweight Pattern

What is the difference between Builder Pattern and Flyweight Pattern in terms of usage, as both of them deals with large number of objects? ...

Hibernate and Flyweight

Is there a way to use Flyweight objects with the hibernating persistence mapping? My data model contains many objects that will be the same. Instead of having a separate instance for each of those same objects I'd like to use the Flyweight Design Pattern and reference always the same physical object. How to achieve this in hibernate? Bt...

Using Flyweight Pattern in database-driven application

Can anyone please give me any example of situation in a database-driven application where I should use Flyweight pattern? How can I know that, I should use flyweight pattern at a point in my application? I have learned flyweight pattern. But not able to understand an appropriate place in my database-driven business applications to use ...

How to implement flyweight pattern in php?

This is its definition: Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently. But I can't figure out what it means exactly. Can you elaborate with a tiny demo? ...

Flyweight and Factory problem with IDisposable

I seem to be mentally stuck in a Flyweight pattern dilemma. First, let's say I have a disposable type DisposableFiddle and a factory FiddleFactory: public interface DisposableFiddle : IDisposable { // Implements IDisposable } public class FiddleFactory { public DisposableFiddle CreateFiddle(SomethingThatDifferentiatesFiddles s...

How does java implement flyweight pattern for string under the hood?

If you have two instances of a String, and they are equal, in Java they will share the same memory. How is this implemented under the hood? EDIT: My application uses a large number of String objects, many of which are identical. What is the best way to make use of Java String constant pool, as to avoid creating custom flyweight implemen...

The best alternative for String flyweight implementation in Java

My application is multithreaded with intensive String processing. We are experiencing excessive memory consumption and profiling has demonstrated that this is due to String data. I think that memory consumption would benefit greatly from using some kind of flyweight pattern implementation or even cache (I know for sure that Strings are o...

Flyweight pattern and C++ templates

I have flyweight pattern. I have abstract class Glyph. I have class Letter and abstract Code derived from Glyph. I have YusciiCode, UniCyrCode and UniLatCode derived from Code. My flyweight factory can be done like this: template <class T> class CodeFactory : public AbstractCodeFactory { public: CodeFactory(); virtual ~Code...

How does dom4j library implements Flyweight pattern?

I can see in dom4j library a number of classes with Flyweight prefix: FlyweightAttribute, FlyweightComment, FlyweightText etc. Here is what java doc is saying in the case of FlyweightText: FlyweightText is a Flyweight pattern implementation of a singly linked, read-only XML Text. This node could be shared across documents and elements ...