
How can you control folds by an external file in Vim?

I have been searching a solution which puts the fold marks and codes to an external hidden file. This way you could have permanent folds without extra fold signs. How can you control folds by an external file in Vim? ...

What is the folding method corresponding to {{{ in Emacs?

I have used the following as comments in my .emacs // {{{ // }}} My .emacs ;; Basic Characteristics// {{{*/ (setq c-basic-offset 4) ; indents 4 chars (setq tab-width 4) ; and 4 char wide for TAB (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) ; And force use of spaces (turn-on-font-lock) ; same as syntax on in Vim (setq inhibit-splash-s...

How to mantain or export folds when copying a file in Vim

Every time I copy a file the folds are lost. I understand why this happens, but I can''t figure out out to "export" or "maintain" the folds. Any suggestions? (otherwise I have to rename the view files one by one if I copy a entire folder). EDIT: I'm folding lines by writting for instance: :1,80 fo ...

F# under SharpDevelop

Ok this is rather frustrating, I;ve installed the latest version of SharpDevelop, and also installed the F# compiler (as per the link from SharpDevelops website) I am running in Vista. thus far, everything has been working fine. But for some reason it simply refuses to compile when I try to use List.fold_left, however List.fold seems ...