
Fontifying variable references within string literals in Emacs font-lock-mode

When I type the following code in Emacs ruby-mode, the "#{foo}" is fontified in a different color than the enclosing string. How do I do this in my own Emacs mode? I tried to decipher the ruby-mode source code but couldn't understand it in a reasonable amount of time. "a #{foo} a" ...

Set Emacs defaut font face per-buffer/mode

How do you change the default face which Emacs uses to style text on a per-mode basis? For example, say that I am already happy with the face customizations that I have, which include a default fixed-width font. However, in one particular mode (markdown-mode.el, say), I want the default font to be variable-width. It is easy to style he...

Updating font-lock keywords in emacs without major mode reload

I am doing small modification to SLIME, so that I can get all currently loaded symbols from Lisp, analyze them and make font-lock fontify them. I managed to do all these steps, but I have a small problem - when keyword list changes in font-lock the buffer is not updated unless you restart the major lisp-mode. I don't want to restart lis...

How do I set Org Mode Agenda default formatting in Emacs?

I want the Org Mode Agenda to have very different formatting to the rest of Emacs. How can I make this happen every time the Agenda is generated? (N.b. this is not the same question as this because Org Mode specifies different faces depending on how near a deadline is, and other information that is not given in the Agenda buffer.) Than...

In Emacs, how do I display a message in the minibuffer with font face properties?

I want to display a colored string of text in the minibuffer, but when I use the 'message' function, the text-properties of are stripped. ...