
Set FontFamily and FontSize for the application in App.xaml

How can I set the FontFamily and FontSize for the application in App.xaml? ...

Get font name from FontFamily in WPF

I'm currently working on a little font organization/preview application for myself, however, I'm having a hard time getting the exact information I need. I've found that I can load an external font by just creating a new FontFamily object with the font's file location as its source. However, I can't find a way to get a font's specific f...

Internet Explorer: drop down does not display option font family

#select-arial { font-family: Arial; } #select-verdana { font-family: Verdana; } #select-geneva { font-family: Geneva; } #select-sans-serif { font-family: Sans-Serif; } #select-courier { font-family: Courier; } #select-monospace { font-family: Monospace; } #select-georgia { font-family: Georgia; } <select name="font_select"> ...

third font in font family is significantly larger

For my website I have chosen to use some pretty obscure fonts in my font family. The most well known font (3rd in family) is Century Gothic, which most computers have. font-family:Tw Cen MT,Gill Sans,Century Gothic,sans-serif; The problem is that 12px font in century gothic is far bigger than a 12px font in Tw Cen MT & Gill Sans. IF a...

Font family name from font file

I have a .ttf file ,i want to retrieve the font family name. ...

Can't override a global WPF style that is set by TargetType on a single specific control

I have a style applied to all my textboxes, defined in a resource dictionary.. <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="TextBlock.FontSize" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource ApplicationUserSettings}, Path=fontSize, Mode=OneWay}" /> <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextWrapping" Value="Wrap" /> <Setter Pro...

setting css font-family to a safe handwriting font

In CSS, I usually go with the usual font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; For a little change, I'm going for a font that looks like handwriting. Can some of the expert CSS folks here suggest what would be some of the safest fonts (most widely available in most browsers) that look like hardwriting ...

Second choice font in HTML

This might be slightly basic. Sorry for that but I was wondering if it is possible that the second choice font we specify in HTML (using font/font-family) can be of a different font-size. Eg. Use Lucida Grande, size 13 or Arial, size 14 if that wasn't found ...

font-size/font-family has no effect

This is a related issue to my previous question. I have modified the code suggested for preface headings to modify the p tags underneath the headings. <xsl:template match="topic[title='Preface']/body/section/p"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="preface.p"> <xsl:apply-imports/> </fo:block> </xsl:template...

can i set a font family inside <li> tag

im guessing not cause i've been trying it with examples and nthing works... but im curious why not? and how im gonna set it ? thnx! ...

Browser font defaulting

Hey, Say if I set the font-family for the page body to font1, font2, font3 and then I set the h1 tag's font family to font4, font5. If font 4 and 5 weren't installed, would the browser try font 1,2 and 3 before it used the browsers default font? ...

Flex: How Do I Reference the System Font?

Hi, I've embedded a font in my component. All of the text in the component uses the embedded font. But, I want a button to use the standard system font. How do I set the button's fontFamily to the system font? <mx:Button label="Hello" fontFamily="?" /> Thank you. -Laxmidi ...

C++ Gdiplus::Font changing font size and family

Look this code Gdiplus::Graphics g(hDC); Gdiplus::Font *f = new Font(L"Times new roman", 16); Gdiplus::SolidBrush b(Gdiplus::Color(255,0,0,0)); g.DrawString(L"Hello", 5, f, &Gdiplus::StringFormat(), &b); // Now i want to change font styles // using f->setSize() or f->setFontFamily(). g.DrawString(L"Hello", 5, f, &Gdiplus::StringForma...