
persistence in .net forms authentication, doesn't work when machine key resents

Persistence doesn't work in my web application on one server while it does on another. On the server that it doesn't work on (a shared hosting environment), the persistence is lost anytime the app pool recycles. When it recycles the machine key changes automatically and that affects the encryption of the cookie. When the machine key chan... hosting - forms authentication not working for .htm files

Hi, I've put a password around a website for preview purposes - it has .htm files generated by a content management system and .aspx files. On my pc the Forms authentication restricts the .htm - but deployed live it does not - only the aspx files are restricted. I realise that it maybe something specific to my hosting package (pipe10)... generic principal problem

Using this code for authentification: HttpContext.Current.User=new GenericPrincipal (new GenericIdentity(user.UserName), roles); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.UserName,false); Problem is - on next request, HttpContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated is true, but HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("admin") is false. There are a... webform, avoid losing data from session timeout

I have a user complaining about frequent timeouts in my Intranet web page. While looking for a solution I found this post: Where a poster recommends intercepting the redirect to the login page, submit the data to the database, then either reauthorize the user (without their knowledge) or...

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name not right when simultaneous login from 2 machines

Hi, I've got an ASP.NET webserver with IIS 7. My authentication code (forms authentication) is as follows on the login page: var isAuthenticated = Membership.ValidateUser(usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text); if (isAuthenticated) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(use...

Unable to logout from ASP.NET MVC application using FormsAuthentication.SignOut()

I am trying to implement Logout Functionality in ASP.NET MVC. I use Forms Authentication for my project. This is my Logout code: FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Cookies.Clear(); FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, DateTime.Today...

How can I log any login operation in case of "Remember Me" option ?

I have an login web form that have ( username textBox - password textBox ) plus Remember Me CheckBox option When user login i do the below code if (provider.ValidateUser(username, password)) { int timeOut = 0x13; DateTime expireDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(19.0); if (rememberMeCheckBox.Checked) { time...

Forms Authentication adding additional information along with ReturnUrl

With Forms Authentication when the app needs to redirect to sign-in page is there an event or any extensibility point that will let me do additional work to the request before it redirects to the sign-in page? I would like to send additional information in the query string that could vary such that it wouldn't work to just statically em...

HOWTO: Allow access as an anonymous user with FBA and SharePoint 2010

I have a new site with a custom forms membership and role provider, and I need to allow anonymous users to visit the site (i.e. to browse around but not log in). This is a new SharePoint 2010 site running under claims authentication (obviously). Problem I have is that despite allowing anonymous access in both central admin and site perm...

Mixed authentication in ASP.NET application

I've got an ASP.NET application which uses forms authentication. We're adding on an HttpModule that responds to requests in the /webdav folder and below. We need to use basic/digest authentication for these requests. With <authentication> set to Forms in the root web.config, requests from webdav clients are receiving a 302 redirecting...

how to keep login in

I am using this class to login to my ria service from a form in Silverlight: System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService However, every time I login with option to persist my login status, it doesn't persist anything and I will loss my status after a IE refresh, and my service doesn't allow me t...

ASP.NET Forms Auth Allowing access to specific file in subdirectory when all others should be denied

I am having problems allowing a specific Role access to a specific page in a subdirectory. My ASP.NET application has a directory, ~/Forms/Administration that has limited access. There is a specific file, ~/Forms/Administration/Default.aspx that I want to give 1 additional user role access to, as well as the Admin role. In ~/Forms/Adm...

wss 3.0 FBA site prompting for client certificate on 'export to spreadsheet'

Hi all, I have a wss 3.0 site set up to use FBA in default zone, configured with an SSL cert and running on windows server 2008 with reporting services integration configured. When I log in and try to 'export to spreadsheet' from a list, it downloads 'owssvr.dll', then excel opens and prompts me for a client certificate. Depending on ...

Mixed Mode Authentication (SQLMembershipProvider )in TFS 2010

Hi everybody. I'm new to TFS 2010 (Team Foundation Server 2010) and I'm looking forward to authenticate users in TFS using Mixed Mode Authentication. I mean using Windows Mode Authentication and SQL Authentication with SQLMembershipProvider and SQLRoleProvider. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! Gonzalo ...

Why isn't .ASPAUX cookie being validated by FormsAuthentication?

I have a site that uses FormsAuthentication and yes, the name of the cookie is .ASPAUX :) I can log in perfectly. The server creates a forms authentication ticket, packs it in a cookie, properly determines the expiration time (1 year ahead) and sends it to the client. For some reason, after some time, even though the cookie is there ye...

DotNetOpenAuth and FormsAuthentication

Hi, I'm implementing DotNetOpenAuth (OpenID) and Forms Authentication as the authentication mechanism for a site I'm building. However, I'm not happy with parts of the solution I've come up with and though I should check with you guys how it is usually done. I have set the Forms Authentication loginUrl to login.aspx. This is the code b...

Django question: An invoice that I want to send to an email

Hello, this is a Django related question. I have an invoice that I have created from a database which displays the information. Now I want to know is if I can send these details to an email address. I have tried looking at this page at, but I don't know if I am looking for that. I am ass...

How to allow mixed-mode authentication in IIS 7.0

How do you back-door authenticate Windows users into a website using forms authentication running on IIS 7.0? ...

Where exactly does Forms Authentication exist in the Http Pipeline?

Where exactly does Forms Authentication exist in the Http Pipeline? ...

Display message to user when forms authentication session expires

This seems simple and I remember doing it a couple of years ago. I simply want to display a message on the login page when the user is automatically redirected there after requesting a page that they were logged in for but their session has now expired. So essentially if the user was working but stepped away for a lunch break without l...