
Who is using Fortress programming language?

Fortress is developed by Sun. Fortress is a new programming language designed for high-performance computing (HPC) with high programmability. Fortress features include: Implicit parallelism Transactions Flexible, space-aware, mathematical syntax Static type-checking (but with type inference) Definition of larg...

HPC (mainly on Java)

I'm looking for some way of using the number-crunching ability of a GPU (with Java perhaps?) in addition to using the multiple cores that the target machine has. I will be working on implementing (at present) the A* Algorithm but in the future I hope to replace it with a Genetic Algorithm of sorts. I've looked at Project Fortress but as ...

Is there any algebraic structures used in functional programming other then monoid?

I recently getting to know about functional programming (in Haskell and Scala). It's capabilities and elegance is quite charming. But when I met Monads, which makes use of an algebraic structure named Monoid, I was surprised and glad to see the theoretic knowledge I have been learning from Mathematics is made use of in programming. T...