
Retrieving posts and comments from a Facebook page

I want to retrieve all of the posts from a given facebook page along with the associated comments. I wrote this code (app details obfuscated, replace with your own in order to run it). <?php require_once('facebook.php'); $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'MY_APP_ID', 'secret' => 'MY_APP_SECRET', 'cookie' => true, ...

facebook count total friend

how can we count total friend to specific uid ...

How to list facebook users who like a page or interest

I wanna get a list of facebook users who like a page or interest. FQL like 'SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id=113970468613229' does not work. Is there a way to do this? ...

Facebook fql case insensitive version of strpos

Hi! What is the case insensitive version of strpos(field', 'Phrase') in facebook query language? ...

FQL using facebook android SDK

I'm trying to create an android application using the facebook android SDK (http://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk). I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to use FQL using this SDK. If anyone has any experiences in this regard, please let me know. FQL can apparently be used using https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?q...

Facebook users_getStandardInfo is very slow. Is the FQL or CURL slow?

So, I am running a facebook application and I have to call FQL quite frequently. e.g. calling $fbObj->api_client->users_getStandardInfo() with the old facebookapi_php5_restlib However, I found it VERY VERY VERY SLOW to get the response back. I know that call actually use CURL connect to Facebook. So, is the CURL call slow in r...

Facebook fan page tab views

I am looking for a way to capture facebook fan page tab views metrics, where i can specify the date range ...

Facebook Application "Like"

Is there a method to obtain, via facebook; a list of all users who liked "your" (or a specific application by id) application? via andy of the available methods, e.g. FQL etc. ...

How far back in time can FQL query?

How far back in time can query my stream using FQL (Facebook Query Language)? Is it possible to trace all the way back to my first post on Facebook? ...

Is FQL buggy? having trouble retrieving the entire social stream on my wall

I try to use FQL to return all message on my social stream using this statement: SELECT created_time, message FROM stream WHERE source_id = [USER'S FB ID] limit 10000 It traces all the way back to the very 1st post on my wall but some how some of the posts in the middle are missing (compare with what I can retrieve by clicking the 'Old...

FQL query returning empty array

I'm just getting started with developing with using facebook api with php. But I can't seem to figure out why I get only an empty array when I invoke the following query: $fql = "SELECT message,time FROM status WHERE uid ='".$uid."'"; $response = $facebook->api(array('method' => 'fql.query','query' =>$fql)); print_r($response); When...

Facebook FQL queries return {}

Hi everyone, I'm using FQL to get data from user's stream to build a web page looks like wall-to-wall. With two queries: query = "SELECT post_id, message, created_time FROM stream WHERE filter_key IN (SELECT filter_key FROM stream_filter WHERE uid="+user['uid']+" AND type='newsfeed') AND target_id = "+uid+" AND actor_id = "+user['uid...

facebook fql returning album id's with an underscore

i have this fql statement $fql_query = array( 'method' => 'fql.query', 'query' => 'SELECT aid, owner, name from album WHERE owner = ' . $uid ); $albums = $facebook->api($fql_query); the print_r dump of the return contains aid= matching the id of the owner rather than the id of the actual album. but the aid is return not only with...

Facebook FQL stream limit?

I want to get the full history of my wall. But I seem to hit a limit somewhere back in June. I do multiple calls like this: SELECT created_time,message FROM stream WHERE source_id=MY_USER_ID LIMIT 50 SELECT created_time,message FROM stream WHERE source_id=MY_USER_ID LIMIT 51,100 and so on... But I always end up on the same last (fir...