
WPF: Drawing on top of a TextBlock

I want to be able to draw on to the top of a TextBlock, and have found a way to do this, but i cannot remove the drawing once it is there. Here is the code. public class DerivedTextBlock : TextBlock { public Boolean DrawExtra { get { return (Boolean)GetValue(DrawExtraProperty); } set { SetValue(DrawExtraPrope...

WPF FrameworkElement not receiving Mouse input

Trying to get OnMouse events appearing in a child FrameworkElement. The parent element is a Panel (and the Background property is not Null). class MyFrameworkElement : FrameworkElement { protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { // Trying to get here! base.OnMouseDown(e); } } public clas...

Find control position on canvas

I have a canvas which contains a few textblocks and I need to find the top, left corner points that I assigned them in xaml. How can I get those two properties? When I loop through the framework elements on the canvas I can't seem to find those to properties listed. ...

Permission Denied - Cross process UI using .NET Remoting and FrameworkElementAdapters

Hi folks, My question is very similar, if not a replica of this one. Irritatingly, the 'answer' doesn't give me a whole lot to work with and frankly I'm at a loose end. The problem should be fairly obvious. I want to pass WPF elements between processes for a pluggable application framework without having to use Managed AddIn Framework....