
Why do you have to explicitly specify scope with friendly_id?

I'm using the friendly_id gem. I also have my routes nested: # config/routes.rb map.resources :users do |user| user.resources :events end So I have URLs like /users/nfm/events/birthday-2009. In my models, I want the event title to be scoped to the username, so that both nfm and mrmagoo can have events birthday-2009 without them bei...

How can I use friendly ID in Rails like[USERNAME]

How can I use friendly URLs on my Rails application ? All I need is to make available the following url format Can anyone help ? ...

Friendly_id for fixtures (slugs)

I am using freindly_id in my application. I have setup a few fixtures in my application. I want to do integration testing on them. During the tests I need the friendly_id, but the DB records created from fixtures do not have the corresponding slugs in the Slug table. Aren't the slugs automatically created from Fixture data? If not then...

complex URL remapping with friendly_id

I have the URL but I want it to look like My models Container has many sections Section has many contents and belongs to a Container contents belong to a section with frien...

Using friendly_id in a catch all route

Hi all, I want to be able to use friendly_id in a catch all route to render the page that it fetches. for example http://localhost:3000/business would render controller "pages" action"show" with id "business" without leaving the url above. The aim of this is to avoid things like localhost:3000/pages/business and make shorter urls. I ...

Attaching conditional methods(or attributes?) to a rails model

I'm using the friendly_id plugin to generate SEO-friendly URLS for some of my models. Currently, I have a model with two attributes: name and display_name. Essentially, display_name is preferred, but if it is blank, the model reverts to name. Friendly_id needs a field to base the URL off of: Class Market < ActiveRecord::Base has_fr...

Invoking Rake::Task in rails causes "Don't know how to build task..."

Trying to integrate some friendly_id gem functionality on a controller method. Essentially, I have a Market object, which has its URL created based on a custom method. Since it's based on a custom method, friendly_id won't update the URL when the Market object gets updated. Friendly_id does offer a redo_slugs rake task, but when I cal...

authlogic require user

I use authlogic for authentication and certain actions require a logged in user, which is controlled via a before_filter like the following. I also use friendly_id on the User model and internally everything there is a look up on the User model there are queries to the friendly_id slug table too. This results in at least 3 queries for ce...