
Full Search testing in LINQ (custom filter query)

I have a table that has a list of restaurant names and links to another table that holds the cuisine type. I want to provide a search box on my web page that when typing, each word is searched for in the database and results returned. I was looking for a solution that doesn't involve setting up sql full text search as I want to be able ...

Full text indexer with line level results, substring searches, and incremental update support?

I'm looking for a full text indexing package that is being maintained (i.e. not an end of life dead package) that can would ideally have support for: substring matches incremental updates line level results Also ideal would be support for boolean matches adjacency searches "stringX found near stringY" A little more detail about t...

How does Sphinx store null fields, and how does this affect performance?

I'm thinking about using asking sphinx to index many fields (in the hundreds), many of which will be null. My question is how much having many null fields will affect performance? This situation arises not from having incredibly denormalized data, but from requirements on the search interface and what can be searched. Basically I will b...

Search all tables in Oracle DB

I am using Oracle 10g at the moment. I want to search through all the tables for a certain word or phrase. How would I go about searching all the tables for the word of phrase? Cheers ...

How do you handle user input during full-text search on ms sql server?

Hi all, I have a simple search mechanism on ms sql server that uses full-text "contains". I pass search value as a parameter to contains predicate - directly from user's input (via asp.net web site). The problem is that i get sql exception in variety of cases: - when user inputs two words, like 'simple case' - when user adds qoute to se...

Full-Text Index Comparisons in SQL Server 2005 Express

How does one compare the text field of one record to all the other records in SQL server to return, for example, the top 5 most related records? An example of the functionality I'm after are the various Related Posts plugins for Wordpress that produce a list of links to posts related to the post currently being viewed. Cheers, Iain ...

Is there a pure Python Lucene?

The ruby folks have Ferret. Someone know of any similar initiative for Python? We're using PyLucene at current, but I'd like to investigate moving to pure Python searching. ...

Full text search with DB4O

In my DB4O database I have an amount of Book objects Book +string: Title ... When entering a title (string) in my form I would like to suggest existing titles. Currently I use a simple book.Title.Contains(titlePart) But it would be a nice adition if I could suggest books with titles that match the input title even if it had se...

Closest match for Full Text Search

Hello, I am trying to implement an internal search for my website that can point users in the right direction in case the mistype a word, something like the did you mean : in google search. Does anybody have an idea how such a search can be done? How can we establish the relevance of the word or the phrase we assume the user intended t...

Highlighting search terms in an MS Word document

We have a project where we need to provide search over a collection of Word documents through a web-based interface. The client would like for the search terms to be highlighted when a user opens a document. Is there a way to do this directly in Word when opening a document? The only alternative we can come up with is to convert the Wor...

Best way to build a search function

I have a website that has over 400,000 items. Some similar, some vastly different. We want to provide a way to search these items the best way possible. After being delivered the website it was using full text indexing. The solution is basic at best, woefully inadequate at worst. So what is the best way to search these items? The...

Full text search on calculated columns

I need to allow full-text searching on two fields that are concatenated together. In this case, FullName = FirstName + ' ' + LastName. The simple approach seems to be to create a FullName calculated column then include that as a column in the full-text indexing. Is this an acceptable approach? How would you do it? UPDATE and INSERT happ...

Acts_as_ferret use single index

Hi all, I have started to use acts_as_ferret to add text searching to an application. In my example app (another blog!) I have defined and index in my article as follows: acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :body] I'd like an option to search on a single field e.g. get me all article where the title contains "rails", rather than all a...

PostgreSQL full-text search vs. NHibernate.Search via Lucene.Net

I am considering whether to choose NHibernate.Search or PostgreSQL's embedded full-text search support for my current project. We are using, as you have already guessed, PostgreSQL RDBMS with NHibernate ORM on the .NET platform. What experience have you on above mentioned full-text engines? Is there any pitfalls I should be aware of? ...

Dropping noise words in SQL Server 2005 full text indexing

Hi all, In a pretty typical scenario, I have a 'Search' text box on my web application which has user input passed directly to a stored procedure which then uses full text indexing to search on two fields in two tables, which are joined using appropriate keys. I am using the CONTAINS predicate to search the fields. Before passing the s...

Do I need full text search and if so how to implement full text search on sql2000?

I'm using Linq2Sql for my asp.net mvc project and so far it has worked out just great. Now however I need to implement a "key word search" that searches for x key words over about 20 fields spread over 10 joined tables that are joined with a maximum depth of 3 levels. The linq function is really simpel, but the generated query is just to...

SQL full text search vs "LIKE"

Let's say I have a fairly simple app that lets users store information on DVDs they own (title, actors, year, description, etc.) and I want to allow users to search their collection by any of these fields (e.g. "Keanu Reeves" or "The Matrix" would be valid search queries). What's the advantage of going with SQL full text search vs simpl...

SQL Server FTS performance after adding many records

We have a web application that allows clients to manage large lists of names. For searching on these lists, we use SQL Server 2008's FTS, which usually works well. Our largest client has 900,000 names and enjoys sub-second search times. For another new client, however, I recently imported 150,000 names, and performance is terrible (as i...

How to: match (search space) against (join with column from other table)

Hello all, I'm lousy at SQL queries so this may be a silly question. However, here is roughly what i'd like to do: table corpuses //stuff i'd like to search thru title body ... table searches //list of search terms to be applied to corpuses term ... The query i'd like to write is more or less as foll...

SQL Server 2008 Full Text Search (FTS) versus Lucene.NET

I know there have been questions in the past about SQL 2005 versus Lucene.NET but since 2008 came out and they made a lot of changes to it and was wondering if anyone can give me pros/cons (or link to an article). ...