
Function overloading where parameters only differ by ellipses

I've got this logging system for which I'm looking to shortcut some of the string manipulation. The logging system is used via functional macros which then forward to a single function call. E.g. #define Warning(...) LogMessage(eWarning, __VA_ARGS__);. LogMessage then does a snprintf into a new buffer and then presents that message to...

Variable argument function ambiguity

public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(fun(2,3,4)); } static int fun(int a,int b,int c) { return 1; } static int fun(int ... a) { return 0; } Output: 1 Question: In the above case why does the function fun select the 1st function and not the second.On what basis is the ...

Does function overloading have runtime overhead in Delphi?

Is there any additional runtime overhead in calling overloaded functions? (I ask this specifically for Delphi, in case the answer isn't the same for all compiled languages) I think not as that should be resolved during compile time, but you can never be sure can you? ...

What does the C++ compiler do when coming ambiguous default parameters?

What does the C++ compiler do when coming ambiguous default parameters? For example, let's say there was a function such as: function1(int a = 0, float b = 3.1); function2(int a, float b =1.1, int c = 0); Is the above considered ambiguous? If not, what does the compiler do (how is the function matched exactly) when calling something l...

javascript function overloading

Can I do the following? function contains(element) { // if the element is a Vertex object, do this if (element instanceof Vertex) { var vertex = element; for ( var index in self.verticies) { if (self.verticies[index].id == { return true; } } return false; } // else if the element is an Edge object, do ...

Why overload a function with fewer / greater arguments?

So I am a java programmer and I know what overloading a function means. Moreover, I have overloaded a function with different type of arguments, and can overload with, fewer and greater arguments. I was asked this on an interview. I really don't know if this has any benefits or what the interviewer was getting at here. Does it have any...

json and binding methods

I have a Person javascript class like function Person(_name, _id, _salary){ this.Name = _name; this.Id = _id; this.Salary = _salary; } First, i want to overload constructor function with: function Person( _person ){ this.Name = _person.Name; this.Salary = _person.Salary; this.Id = _person.Id; } But whatever ...

Why overloading does not occur?

I have the following class: class CrmToRealTypeConverter : IConverter { #region IConverter Members public object Convert<T>(T obj) { return Convert(obj); } #endregion private DateTime? Convert(CrmDateTime obj) { return obj.IsNull == false ? (DateTime?)obj.UserTime : null; } priva...

Why does man 2 open say this?

I ran into this question while typing man 2 open. It says that there are two kinds of open, one with two args, and one with three! last time i checked we could not overload functions in C. How did they do this? did they write in C++? int open(const char * pathname, int flags); int open(const char * pathname, int flags, mode_t mode); ...

learning about function prototypes and function overloading

hello, can anyone give me an example of function overloading in c++ with 4 function prototypes ? i still don't get them quite good .. sorry newbie question, thanks for looking in. Adam Ramadhan ...