
The future of .NET Development: ASP.NET or WPF/Silverlight/Winforms?

Forgive me for asking a subjective question but I'd really like to know where is the .NET development headed in the near future? Are we going to see more ASP.NET developers or will there be more demand for Silverlight/WPF && WinForms developers? ...

the future of Javascript

how do you see the future of javascript as a (main) web browser scripting language? there are browser-dependent variations of javascript support, javascript itself has some flaws. this could possible lead to incorporation of some dominant js framework into the leading open-source browsers, or promotion of a different (or completely new)...

Does anyone know what "Quantum Computing" is?

In physics, its the ability for particles to exist in multiple/parallel dynamic states at a particular point in time. In computing, would it be the ability of a data bit to equal 1 or 0 at the same time, a third value like NULL[unknown] or multiple values?.. How can this technology be applied to: computer processors, programming, securit...

How are the interfaces going to be replaced/augmented by the closures in Java?

Java 7 will have closures ( finally ), and I wonder how the existing code using single method classes/interfaces ( like Runnable, Comparator, etc ) will be used now. Would that code be replaced? Will be a conversion of some sort? An extra method using the closure will be added? Does anyone knows how is this going to work/what the p...

Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc.

I'm really interested in implementing Promises and related features in client-side Javascript. From what I've seen, the focus in implementing these technologies in Javascript seems to be on server-side javascript (SSJS) with Promises in CommonJS. Ideally for me, I would find a solution that works well with jQuery or Google Closure Librar...

Future of community projects in .Net

Hi guys, I've been lately thinking about future of open source community projects in .Net. What raises this problem is actually Microsoft devouring all those projects and replacing them with its own ones. Every new version of .Net framework brings not only clr or language improvements, but also some super new features which slowly, but ...

program hangs when using multiple futures with multiple remote actors

I start two remote actors on one host which just echo whatever is sent to them. I then create another actor which sends some number of messages (using !! ) to both actors and keep a List of Future objects holding the replies from these actors. Then I loop over this List fetching the result of each Future. The problem is that most of the ...

storing a user selection that stores itself for use on reload in android app

I've built a dialog that asks the user to pick a city from the list provided when the application first opens. The dialog works perfectly, however I want to store the user's choice so that when the app is opened a second time, it checks to see if the user has already made a selection previously. If they have, it doesn't display the dialo...

(Wordpress) Only show future posts in archive & search results

Hi there, I have an events category which is searchable by a sub-category (by city where the event is being held). I have the 'The Future is Now!' plugin to allow me to publish future dated posts but hoping that I can set up a paginated template that, when a post 'expires' it will no longer show up in the loop/archive. I'm also wonderi...

will css ever have border:1px solid black round; ?

Do you think CSS will ever have the ability to provide round borders and how will it be accomplished? ...

What is the most future proof programming environment today?

I'm often thinking of start writing an application in my spare time. The one thing that holds me back is the fear of having to abandon the project after 5 years because maintenance becomes unfeasible due to an ever changing "programming environment". By this I mean the combination of the programming language, a good IDE, some extensive f...

Waiting for a cancelled future to actually finish

I have a SwingWorker which calls some code that does not check for thread interruption. After the call to worker.cancel(true), the worker.get() method will throw CancellationException immediately (as it is supposed to). However, since the background task's code never checks for its thread to be interrupted, it happily continues executi...

Futures in Haskell

Does Haskell have an equivalent of Alice's ability to bind a variable to a future? val a = spawn foo; where foo is some function. I know Haskell supports channels and threads; I'm hoping for syntax as natural as Alice's to bind a value to a future and spawn a thread to calculate it without having to deal with the details. ...

What are the benefits of stacked/on chip memory?

I am trying to find some reference materials to write up something about stacked memory's future. I take this to mean memory that is stacked on the processing chip that allows to faster access time, less latency, etc. Is this a technology that is likely to be adopted by major manufacturers, and is it worth keeping tabs on as a "future t...

future for web server side and client side languages

Possible Duplicate: Which is the future of web development: HTML5 or Silverlight(or other RIA framework)? What do you think about the distiction of server web language like php, ruby, python, ... and client side language(s) into web browser, like javascript? I mean, with the evolution of the web application I think that a lot ...

Should you learn different languages or focus on one?

Possible Duplicate: Learning multiple programming languages Over the past couple years, I've switched jobs, each one coming with new territory as far as programming. At the time, I was eager to take on any job and accepted a job just for the necessity of a job and picked up the development language as I went along. However, ...

(Why) is log4net not under development anymore?

Looking at this seems to hint, that log4net is not really under development anymore. Is that true? Why so? I'd think there actually is room for improvements/new features. Things like .NET 4.0, fluent configuration or WCF come into mind. What's the story here? ...

the thin line between web apps and desktop apps

I've been working a lot lately with web apps, mostly with javascript and json-rich web UIs. I have to say I get impressed all the time with what I can achieve through these technologies. More and more, I ask myself whether I would have preferred to go with a classic GUI to start with (whether it was C#/VB.Net + WinForms, or C/C++ + GTK/...

How to convert future date to matching timestamp

I have a function that takes a string date in the format 08/24/2010 and turns it into a timestamp. The problem I have is that dates such as 08/24/2090 are converted improperly. Here is my function: /** * Converts a date to a timestamp * for a date formatted such as: 08/24/2010 12:00:00, 08-24-2010 12:00:00 or 08/24/2010 * * @param str...

which python version need from __future__ import with_statement ?

Currently i'm using python 2.6.5, I didn't use from __ future __ import with_statement,it can use with statement all right. I want to know in which version we need use from __ future __ import with_statement,which not? ...