
Logical address confusion

Hi, I am trying to do some analysis with the logical address. The following program explains my motive ... #include<stdio.h> int main() { int x=10; printf("The address of main is %p\n",&main); printf("The address of x is %p\n",&x); return 0; } When I run this program in my 32bit system it shows The address of main is 0x80483b4 T...

GCC performance

Hello, I am doing parallel programming with MPI on Beowulf cluster. We wrote parallel algorithm for simulated annealing. It works fine. We expect 15 time faster execution than with serial code. But we did some execution of serial C code on different architectures and operating systems just so we could have different data sets for perfor...

How to suppress GCC warnings from library headers?

I have a project that uses log4cxx, boost, etc. libraries whose headers generate lots of (repetitive) warnings. Is there a way to suppress warnings from library includes (i.e. #include <some-header.h>) or includes from certain paths? I'd like to use -Wall and/or -Wextra as usual on project code without relevant info being obscured. I cur...

CMake: use a custom linker

Hi! I want to setup a custom toolchain with qmake. I've set the compiler but I don't know how to set the linker. This error is reported because cmake try to use the compiler to link: The C compiler "xgcc.exe" is not able to compile a simple test program. Here there is a snippet of my toolchain file # specify the cross compiler INCLUD...

Reserved keywords in Objective-C?

At the CocoaHeads Öresund meeting yesterday, peylow had constructed a great ObjC quiz. The competition was intense and three people were left with the same score when the final question was to be evaluated: How many reserved keywords does Objective-C add to C? Some spirited debate followed. All agreed that @interface, @implementation et...

Help on linking in gcc

In Microsoft visual c++ compiler, you can specify linker options using #pragma comment(lib, "MSVCRT") //links with the MVCRT library see this page I find this feature very useful because linker errors are common and i want to just place all the linker options in my source code instead of specifying them to the compiler. question: I...

Does anyone have experience with gcc's LTO (C++)?

My main interest is with moving code from header files to source files (for decoupling), but keeping the same performance for the inlined stuff. I'm not sure where to get started, could someone explain what to do? ...

Statically linking GTK+ libaries in windows

I have installed GCC and GTK+. Its working fine, but i need to statically link GTK+ libraries with my application (its a small application) so that there exist only one '.exe'. Can anybody suggest a solution for this problem...? ...

gcc difference between -pthread and -pthreads?

I have a pthreads program. I have to compile it with gcc -pthread in Linux (-pthreads is unrecognized option) and gcc -pthreads in Sun (-pthread is unrecognized option). Why the difference, since it's the same compiler? However, -lpthread works on both, but I heard this isn't always sufficient. ...

Why does GCC allow use of round() in C++ even with the ansi and pedantic flags?

Is there a good reason why this program compiles under GCC even with the -ansi and -pedantic flags? #include <cmath> int main (int argc, char *argv []) { double x = 0.5; return static_cast<int>(round(x)); } This compiles clean (no warnings, even) with g++ -ansi -pedantic -Wall test.cpp -o test. I see two problems: round...

Auto linking dependencies of a static lib

I have a static lib A, which also uses static libs B, C and D. I then have applications X and Y which both use A, but not B, C or D. Is there some way to make it so X and Y will automatically see that A used B, C and D and link them, so that I don't need to keep track for the entire dependency tree so I can explicitly pass every static...

Buffer Overflow Memory Map interpretation.

Hi, I'm tackling a trivial buffer overflow (yes, exploitation; but unrelated to the problem) I'm trying to figure out the fields in the memory map, when GCC's stack protector is enabled. As an illustration: $ ./overflow *** stack smashing detected ***: ./overflow terminated ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__for...

Why is this explicit scope resolution necessary?

Setup: class A { public: void a() {} }; class B { public: void b() {} }; class C: public A, public B { public: void c() {} }; What (I thought) I should be able to do: C* foo = new C(); foo->b(); And I get the following linker error from GCC: `... undefined reference to 'C::b(void)'` If I use explicit scope re...

std namespace vs. _STL namespace link problems

I am trying to link something I wrote to an existing shared library. I using gcc 3.2.3 on RedHat 3. When I get to the link phase I get an error that says: object_files_linux/hvm_example.o(.text+0x233):~/hvm_example.cpp:254: undefined reference to `xoc::hvmapi::id(std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)' I have run the nm command on...

How to use OpenSSL in GCC

I'm tring to use openssl in a gcc program but it isn't working. g++ server.cpp /usr/lib/libssl.a -o server gives error, anything with -l option gives error, what should I type on command line to use openssl. The file /usr/lib/libssl.a exists, but still linker error no such funtion MD5() exists occurs. ...

Taking advantage of SSE and other CPU extensions.

Theres are couple of places in my code base where the same operation is repeated a very large number of times for a large data set. In some cases it's taking a considerable time to process these. I believe that using SSE to implement these loops should improve their performance significantly, especially where many operations are carried...

getopt implicit declaration in Solaris?

In Solaris, gcc gives me implicit declaration of function `getopt' when compiling #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { getopt(1,argv,""); return 0; } The man page for getopt says something about including unistd.h or stdio.h, however even though I'm inluding both I still get this w...

What is the difference between LD_LIBRARY_PATH and -L at link time?

I'm having problems with LD_LIBRARY_PATH at link time (this question has nothing to do with run time). The link line looks like this when I run make (this is a Linux system using g++ version 4.1.x): g++ a.o b.o c.o -o myapp \ -L/long/path/to/libs/ \ -L/another/long/path/ \ -labc -ldef -lghi The -l options reference shared librarie...

safe, fast CFLAGS for mex functions in matlab

I am converting a number of low-level operations from native matlab code into C/mex code, with great speedups. (These low-level operations can be done vectorized in .m code, but I think I get memory hits b/c of large data. whatever.) I have noticed that compiling the mex code with different CFLAGS can cause mild improvements. For exampl...

What's the file format used by gcc in OSX?

I'm trying to learn assembly using NASM, the pcasm-book.pdf from Dr Paul Carter - http://www.drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/ - on my Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I'm trying to link the previous compiled C sample to asm samples: gcc first.o driver.c asm_io.o -o first But it's returning it: driver.c:3: warning: ‘cdecl’ attribute ignored ld: warning...