
Can't install gemcutter as a Ruby Gem source

I'm trying to install the thinking sphinx gem, which is on When I run the command gem sources -a I get the error: Error fetching bad response Not Found 404 ( If I change the above URL to it finds a file. How do...

How many times was a Ruby gem installed via `gem install` or `gem update`

I am trying to find out how many times a gem was installed via gem install or gem update. For example, Watir 1.6.2: it was installed 97 times via gemcutter ( it is downloaded 4,027 times from I have been told that 4,027 does not include installs ...

complicated installation spagetti of latest Rails 2.3.5

Hi, the basic and, I guess, more rhetorical question is why RoR installation/maintenance became so F%#$ing complicated? Some background of the problem: Platform: Windows XP Ruby version: 1.8.6 A few dozens gems installed with gem version 1.2.0 Current Rails version: 2.1 I just wanted to update to rails 2.3.5 thinking that I have a mode...

Storing publicly available gems on my own gem repository

I have a Ruby application (not using Rails) that use my own Ruby gems. I have these gems hosted on a local gem repository server. Some of these gems have dependencies on other publicly available gems from gemcutter (ex: haml, curb). Would it make sense to vendor/mirror these publicly available gems on my local gem server so that I would...

Removing a gem from GemCutter

I want to delete a gem I uploaded to GemCutter. I couldn't find any commands for this. Some time ago there was a blog post stating gem deletion as an upcoming feature. I haven't seen any further official announcements about this feature. Please let me know if there is a way to do this. ...

rails gem programming - How do I try it before pushing to gemcutter?

I'm developing a new gem (fork of nifty-generators). Right now my "deployment" consists on the following: I make changes on the gem's source code I commit to github I update the gemspec lower numer (i.e. go from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2) Build the gem and push it to gemcutter (gem build, gem push) Install the new gem (sudo gem install mygem) Th...

Do I still need source :gemcutter in Gemfile?

I have a file "Gemfile" in my Rails project root. It says source :gemcutter in the very first line. Do I still need the line? If I'm correct, is the official source, and Gem Cutter was merged into ...