
Is there any algorithm for generating 3d clouds?

So Id love to see an algorithm for generating 3d cloud objects. as realistic as possible. I know that there are different cloud types But I am moust interested in such cloud tupes like so can any one point to algorithm or just a C\C++\C#\AS3 or any other language lib that can do such thing? ...

How to make audio sound batter? (C + FFMpeg audio generation example)

So I found this grate C FFMpeg official example which I simplefied: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #undef HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H #endif #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavutil/mathematics.h" #define INBUF_SIZE 4096 #define AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE 20480 #define AUDIO_REFILL_THRESH 409...

How to generate every possible combination of a string when given a list of values

Say I have a list of values, this list can be of any length: "100","200","300","400","500", ... And I have a template string that has a few tokens that need to be replaced: "@token1@-@token2@-@[email protected]@tokenN@" Using the list of values, how can I generate every possible combination of the values in the template? Values can be...

VS 2010 Error Generating Unit Tests

I have one .NET 4 DLL for which I'm having trouble generating unit tests. I'm using VS 2010 Standard. Every other project in the solution will generate unit test stubs for classes just fine. For the other assemblies, I can go into the existing code, right click the class name, and select "Create Unit Tests". I get the selectiong wind...

Where to find ocean and earth data maps usable to simulate water depth level?

Searching on USGS I did not find something easily usable without passing from GIS or similar. I need only something easy to use, like a high map resolution of the Earth without and with ocean. Have you some hint or advice on how to convert available GIS data? P.S. Ok, found a starting point, not what I really need but anyway something...

Framework for .net Reflection.Emit simplification?

Is there a framework, that makes the use of of Reflection.Emit easier? Something I can tell: Give me a class with a string field and get,set accessors. The code I find in Create a class type in code in .net c# is what I need, but it is somewhat cryptic. I think a library with a simplified interface would boost productivity. ...

Do Symbian OS v9 and Symbian^3 mean the same thing?

I am a little confused about the notations. What does Symbian^3 mean? Also, how does Symbian^x relate to Symbian OS v9.y ? ...

Problem with .net dynamic control generation

Hello to all. I'm working on an website (using C#). I have implemented a detailsview as part of a data entry system for this website. The detailsview contains a drop down list used to associate a category with the record being submitted to this data entry system. The code behind file accesses a datasource (an SQL server 2005 d...

How are PDF sizes specified?

I am generating a PDF from HTML using a library, and all the size parameters that I am giving are in pixels. This seems kind of odd. I just googled the internet for A4 size in pixels, and can I just use these values everywhere? Is this how it should be done? Will the generated PDF look correctly? Otherwise, do I need to somehow compute...

How to select random values from a given range.

I'm trying to create an android application which will generate random series of values (integer numbers in this case) in a given range (but NOT equal between them) and display them in a simple TextView Let's say we have the range R = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Each time I press the button "Generate" I want to randomly...

AS3 additive tone synthesis. playing multiple generated sounds

Hello Everybody! Inspired by Andre michelle, I`m building a tone matrix in AS3. I managed to create the matrix and generate the different sounds. They don´t sound that good, but I´m getting there One big problem I have is when more than one dot is set to play, it sounds just horrible. I googled a lot and found the additive synthesis met...

How to generate WPF Form using T4 ?

Hello, One of our product requirement is to allow the generation of Search form. So we need to facilitate the user to generate the search form based on the selected data fields. Now our application is in WPF. Can anybody guide me how to start this thing. I have been told to research on T4, But any kind of help will be appreciated. Rega...

passing URL parameter using command Button in jsf portal using Jsr 168

Hi, I am not able to recieve parameter from the URl when I am calling another portlet using Command Button in Jsf in JSR 168. Actually I am calling the method of my manageBean from the Command Button where I am generatin the URL, and calling another Portlet. But I am not able to receive the parameter in my another manageBean of the C...

Graph better than Google charts?

Possible Duplicate: Generate line graph for any benchmark? What services do you recommend to generate graphs for benchmark results, like the following? Some of the web services I had used were dodgy at best to make these graphs. ...

Dynamic row generation.

Dynamic row generation in GridView. I have one button called 'Add New Row' and database Fields: First name, Last Name, Location, Status status --- Working, Suspended, Resigned If i click the 'Add NewRow' button then i should get new row in gridview and All fields(First Name, Last Name, Location) should be text fields. Status field s...

Html to PDF with webkit transform

When producing PDF from Html the webkit transform does not work. I need to rotate a div at 45 angle and after using webkit transform it looks ok on the screen but with winnovatives Html to PDF convertor the out put was flat not rotated. Any solutions? ...

Generate password in python

Hi Folks, I'dl like to generate some alphanumeric passwords in python. Some possible ways are: import string from random import sample, choice chars = string.letters + string.digits length = 8 ''.join(sample(chars,length)) # way 1 ''.join([choice(chars) for i in range(length)]) # way 2 But I don't like both because: way 1 only un...

mysql split search string by space and push into query

The search query is: "product1 prod2 prod4" I need to make the mysql SELECT * FROM tableprod WHERE (prod LIKE '%product1%' AND prod LIKE '%prod2%' AND prod LIKE '%prod4%') using the mysql_real_escape_string for the input query... ...