
Word press geo location posts?

Hi guys I would like to build something along the lines of this Where I can click a point on the map which will link to a post, I would also like this to be search able by post code or town, so if you wanted to find shops in London, you'd type London and it would show all relative posts which ar...

Reverse Geocoding in Android App

I am trying to Reverse GeoCode current Lat/Long data to just Admin Area and Sub Admin Area using the Geocoder class. I am using the NETWORK_PROVIDER as the Location provider. Here is the code that I use and it works. The problem is sometimes it does not give me any location sometimes it does. Android Manifest permissions I am using. <...

mobile devices geo location javascript

Hello i want to detect the geo location of mobile and static devices (computers) for an an app. Im using This project allows me to get the lat lng using a number of techniques. And it seems to work very well, although it dosnt work in IE. My question is this the best method to detect ...