
Creating an abitrary, curved Well Known Text LineString for display in OpenLayers

I am dynamically generating a WKT LineString between points in a map layer being generated for display in OpenLayers. I'd like to make the lines between the points curved, and I'd like to be able to dynamically change the curvature based on various input variables. This is for a network monitoring app, and we'd like the curvature to ...

USA map drill-down in ASP.NET

I'm looking for some component (preferably freeware) what will provide me the ability to take an image of the USA and have a user click a state. The image of the state will then display, giving the ability to click either a region, or a county, and drill down further. A user would then be able to select one or more counties. I'm also t...

PostGIS 1.3.5: where to download it from ?

I was looking for a two years old version of PostGIS because I need to import data from an existing remote database and it won't let me make an exact mirror of the database, I need to install PostGIS locally before transferring data and being able to upgrade locally. The problem is that version is no longuer available and I can't seem t...

How to determine which Geocoordinates are inside a defined Area?

Hello, my Application is given a list of Geocorrdinates and now I have to determine which of those Coordinates are inside a defined Area. For example the Search would definiton would be: Show me all Areas where 100 Coordinates are in an Area of 1km^2. So I have to find out which of these coordinates are together in Areas of 1km^2 and mo...

PostGIS: bounding box of a multipolygon

SELECT id, ST_Box2D(areas) AS bbox FROM mytable; In this example, the table "mytable" contains two columns: "id" is the unique id number of the row and "areas" is a geometry field containing one MULTIPOLYGON per row. This works fine for multipolygons containing only one polygon, but some rows have polygons very spread apart, hence t...

comparing two DEMs

Hi, i have two Lidar las files, one is original let's say with X points. And the other is copy of the first las file but with Y points, where Y is less than X. Now, i wanted to compare how the Digital Elevation Models of these two las files vary... I wanted to get information like RMSE, standard deviation, etc... I would appreciate, if a...

PostGIS: register a "geometry" column without AddGeometryColumn

The usual way to create a geometry column is AddGeometryColumn, however I have to work with pre-existing columns, so I can't use that function (as far as I know). Thanks to the PostGIS docs, I can already register the column in the "geometry_columns" table, however AddGeometryColumn seems to do more than create a column and add a row in...

real number on gawk

i am using gawk on a windows computer with cygwin what i am trying to do is find min and max from three columns two are lat and lon and the third column is the value this is the code: echo off for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%a in ('gawk "BEGIN {maxc = 0} {maxlo=0} {maxla=0} {if ($3>maxc) maxc=$3} {if ($1>maxlo) maxlo=$1}...