
Jquery getJSON populate select menu question...

I am populating a select menu with getJSON. I am wondering if there's a way that I can use jQuery's .each function to bring in these values? Surely there must be an easier way to accomplish this...maybe? PHP file: <?php $queryMonth = "SELECT monthID, month FROM months"; $result = $db->query($queryMonth); while($rowMont...

Strange looping problem with jQuery when I try to delete an entry...

I have tried to document this as well as I can in the code. Getting a weird looping thing when I try to delete an item that I've added. Example: I have 3 items that I've added: When I try to delete the very first item in the list...I get the confirm Delete dialog 3 times Deleting the second item in the list...I get the confirm 2 tim...

Callback not being executed, though request works fine with jQuery getJSON

I am trying to obtain a list of assets (via JSON) inside of a drop using a free account. Note that I have already looked at the other two questions (question1 and question2) concerning this and neither of them provided a solution. var dropName = escape("greganddonny"); var apiKey = "some key I'm not displaying it h...

jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] )

To all, I am trying to retrieve the exchange rate from Google with jQuery's $.getJSON(). Using the request: ";q=1USD=?CAD" returns a simple JSON file: {lhs: "1 U.S. dollar",rhs: "1.03800015 Canadian dollars",error: "",icc: true} I am using the following jquery function to get the Canadian ...

JQuery GetJSON inside SetTimeOut Timer

Can anyone post a sample code wherein theres a running timer(javascript settimeout) and doing data retrieval.. basically what i this timer does is to display new messages.. myFunction(param){ //data retrieval operation //using getJSON.. call displaydata() base on param settimeout("myFunction()", param, 1000); } function displaydata...

sending large data .getJSON or proxy ?

Hey guys. I was told that the only trick to sending data to a external server (i.e x-domain) is to use getJSON. Well my problem is that the data I am sending exceeds the getJSON data limit. I am tracking mouse movements on a screen for analytics. Another option is I could also send a little data at a time. probably every time the mouse...

jquery sending cross domain data via A $.post

I am trying to send data over to a cakephp (mvc) website, via $.post(). below is the code $('#testReq').click(function(){ console.log('Button Works'); $.post('', {data:'test7'},function(data) { //data contains the json object retrieved. console.log(data.status); },"jso...

getJSON callback not happening

I have looked at similar queries here, but I can't seem to apply them to my problem. I am pretty new to jquery, so I may be doing something dumb. I have a simple getJSON test: $(document).ready(function() { $(".testurl").click(function() { // do a json call var url="testjson.php"; var rc=$.getJSON( url, {parm1: "P1"...

JQuery getJson callback not parsing json

I used to be pretty comfortable with using jquery for json, but I'm having an odd issue tonight that I just can't wrap my head around. JQuery sends the request, the server fills it properly, but then there's no way to pull the data out of the json response. The server's ASP.MVC and serializing using the JsonResult/Json(). I'm complete...

Accessing ASP.NET MVC Model Data from external Javascript file

Hi, I'm trying to use JQuery's $.getJSON to access Model data from the Controller, and build a JSON object in the javascript to use as the user adds and removes items from a list. All JS is done in an external file. The hit to the server for the Model data is done only once after the page first loads so I can get the full list of option...

Error handling in getJSON calls

How can you handle errors in a getJSON call? Im trying to reference a cross-domain script service using jsonp, how do you register an error method? ...

$.getJson callback function is not working

I am calling a JSP by passing parameters which outputs a valid JSON as response, but still the $.getJson callback function is not getting fired. JSP page output is { "data": [ [ [ 1258185480000,4.39], [ 1258186020000,4.31], [ 1258184940000,4.39], [ 1258183560000,4.39] ] ] } The URL po...

Position An Injected DIV Using JQuery's "Load" Function

I'm pulling some info from a database then putting it into a DIV and injecting all that in to my page. The problem I have is positioning the newly injected DIV after it has finished loading. Here's my jQuery: $j(document).ready(function() { $('a#load-content').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var productId...

Nested JSON in IE6 causes problems.

I'm making a request to a JSON page using jQuery's $.getJSON method, and from the returned JSON i'm creating some HTML and putting it on to the page. The problems appears when I have a nested JSON object, i'll show you an example later. First off, if I make a request to my JSON page and return the following JSON, the function works ju...

Browser response size limit.

Hi all, I am calling my cross domain web-service through a getJson() call from jQuery. As my response object size is pretty big, i have used the maximum JSon size for my web-service. I have checked getJson() is giving proper response object. But still my callback function is not called. Firebug is saying that it's(firefox) response siz...

In JavaScript/jQuery, how to retrieve data that has spaces in its name?

I am retrieving JSON using jQuery's getJSON call. My problem is that some of the fields in the returned JSON have spaces in them. How do I retrieve these values from the JSON without changing the source data? See line marked "ERROR" below: $.getJSON(url, null, function(objData) { $.each(, function(i, item) { var zip ...

MVC $.getJSON works first time on master page, then stops calling url on subsequent loads

I have an MVC masterpage set up which loads a dynamic menu using AJAX Templates and JSON - the JSON is returned with the following call: var tabList = []; //this holds the json data on the callback var getTabs = function () { $.getJSON('Home/TabList', null, function (json) { Sys.Observer.clear(tabList); Sys.Observe...

Problems with $.getJSON in certain browsers

I have a php file that outputs json encoded text via echo '(' . json_encode( $final ) . ')'; And i have a javascript file that fetches that page $.getJSON(file, function(data){ var object = eval(data); alert(object); //for testing ... When any browser other than firefox 3.5 visits the page that calls .getJSON it alerts null BUT!!!...

Intrepreting/Parsing JSON data with jQuery getJSON

I would like to interpret data from JSON feed using jQuery getJSON. $(function() { $.getJSON(';callback=showMyVideos2&amp;max-results=30', function(data) { $.each(data.feed.entry, function(i, item) { updated = item.updated; ...

$.get(u,d,c,"JSON") vs $.getJSON(u,d,c)

I generally use $.get() and $.post() for all of my asynchornous calls, but they're usually qualified with the final parameter being "JSON," indicating that I'm expecting to handle JSON data within my callback. Is there any benefit to using $.get([url],[data],[callback],"JSON") over $.getJSON([url],[data],[callback])? Is it nothing more...