
Assign data from jQuery getJSON to array

How do you assign the data fetched via getJSON() to an array, for later use? The getJSON url below retrieves properly formatted JSON with 10 main elements, each having subelements of id, username, haiku (and other). If you're running it, try saving the JSON elements to a local file, so you won't get the same domain error (i.e., JSON wil...

Wait for response with $.getJSON()

I'm (trying to) using JSON with PHP. I want to plot a graph using this plugin: The problem is: It's being plot before the new data arrives. Is there anyway to make jQuery wait for the $.getJSON() and the plot it? myArray and title are the new data that will be used later. $.getJSON('./ajax/refreshData.php', funct...

Android: Browser back button will not fire $getJSON event

I have a test project that uses $getJSON to pull data from web services like Geonames and our own proprietary services. The index page uses two $getJSON calls, and they load fine both when you first load the page or press the refresh. However, if you navigate to another page and then hit the back button to go back to the index page, th...

json and jquery image gallery

few months a go i created an image sliding gallery where when use click the left/right arrows one image slides out and the new image slides in (it worked good) all the related images and descriptions i had to write went in my php file; now i wanted to have some new images and i found that add and modifying this content took me longer th...

Need help with variable scope in Javascript

I have the following Javascript function that should return an array of groups that are in database. It uses $.getJSON() method to call get_groups.php which actually reads from the database. function get_groups() { var groups = []; $.getJSON('get_groups.php', function(response) { for (var i in response) { gr...

How to Get A JavaScript Variable Value from Inside a Function?

I'm using the JQuery getJSON function to get some JSON-formatted data. The data will be used along with the YouTube JavaScript API: The JSON data is not pulled from YouTube. It's a simple, hand-written list of YouTube Video ID's and Titles which are listed on a CSV. I'm using PH...

Why isn't this simple bit of jQuery getJSON working in IE8?

I've got a very standard AJAX request: $.getJSON('/products/findmatching/38647.json', {}, function(JsonData){ var tableHtml = ''; var x; for (x in JsonData.matchingProds) { var matchingProd = JsonData.matchingProds[x]; var buyMessage; if ( x == 0 ) { buyMessage = 'Buy Cheapest'; } else { buyMessag...

JSON String Parsing with .ajax()

Hello, I hope this isn't too confusing, but i think it's fairly basic. I am trying to pre-populate some data into a form, which was previously entered into a form and then populates the form again on a future date (like a save feature) So when the user SAVES the form, it inputs into the Database JSON data of the entire form fields an...

problem getting a json multi dimensional array to work with jquery getJSON

i'm using jquery.getJson() to retrieve a json object created by my php script. it works if i remove the locations array. however i need the locations array to populate a combobox. my formatted json is below. any suggestions how i can get this to work with one json query instead of 2. { "ContactID" : "1", "CustomerID" : "1", "FirstName...

Trouble with jQuery getJSON

I am using the following URI like so to pass to jQuery's getJSON. var publicVidsUrl = ''; $.getJSON(publicVidsUrl, function(data){ alert(data.length); }); ...but it is failing. While the JSON returned passes as valid in JSON lint, I am not so sure. The escaped double quotes seem fi...

$.getJSON interpreted differently by IE - Ruby on Rails

Hello, I am trying to do the classic category -> subcategory chained dropdowns (where selecting something in category, populates the subcategory). The code I have works in all browsers except IE (naturally). Here is the JS code I am using: $("body select#category").data_binding({ child: "select#company_subcategory_id", url: "s...

Trying to create a 6 level combobox that uses JSON on the backend

I have been looking at a lot of combo boxes but have yet to see one that uses JSON on the backend or one that is more than six fields. I was trying to use as a resource but am having trouble implementing JSON at the backend. Would someone mind giving me a hand? ...

I have a json object now how do I make a div with the elements

I am using getJson to pull in some info onto the page $('#request_song').autocomplete({ serviceUrl: '<%= ajax_path("trackName") %>', minChars:1, width: 300, delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/, deferRequestBy: 0, //miliseconds params: { artists: 'Yes' }, onSelect: function(value, data){ // alert('You selected: ' + value + ', ' + $('#...

Nothing is wrong with my JSON but jQuery doesn't likey like. Please help

I've built some JSON { "News": { "Article": {"title": "test"}, "Article": { "title": "test" }, /*Snipped*/ "Article": { "title": "test" }, "Article": { "title": "test" } }, "count": "20" } which validates in a JSON formatter But when I ...

getJSON update not updating

Hi guys, On this site: I have it set so that when you select a region from the dropdown (left box) it pulls in the towns for the town menu using jQuery.getJson My code worked when it was in the head of each page but seems to have broken when moved into an external file (or maybe another change brok...

JQuery's getJSON() not setting Accept header correctly?

It looks like people have had issues with Accept headers in the past, but I'm not sure my issue is related. Using jQuery 1.4.2, I'm having trouble getting JSON with getJSON(). I can watch the request / response in Firebug and it looks like the source of the problem is that the resource in question returns different results depending on...

Using JQuery getJSON with other JavaScripts included gives ReferenceError

I made a small example HTML page to get JQuery's getJSON method working. It looks like below (sorry for the sloppiness, this was just a proof of concept to then later add into a larger project): <script type="text/javascript"> function test() { $.getJSON(";method=flickr.people.getPublicPhotos...

Yelp API Origin http://localhost:8888 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Using the following code, I get the error in the title of this question using Chrome's JavaScript developer console: jQuery.getJSON(";location=Urbana%20IL&amp;limit=3&amp;ywsid=XXX", function(data){ jQuery.each(data, function(i,businesses){ jQuery("#yelpPreview")...

Trying to use JSON to get cascading DDLs but not getting response

Hello, I'm trying to create cascading DDLs. My aspx page: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table> <tr> <td>סוג שולחן</td> <td><asp:DropDownList ID="ddlTableType" runat="server" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>קוד שולחן</td> <td><asp:DropDownList ID="ddlTableCode" runa...

How to read json response as name value pairs in JQuery

I want to read json response as name and value pairs in my JQuery code. Here is my sample JSON response that I return from my java code: String jsonResponse = "{"name1":"value1", "name2:value2"}; in my JQuery, if I write jsonResponse.name1, I will get value as "value1". Here is my JQuery code $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType:'...