
How Does GetSchemaTable() Work?

OleDbDataReader oleDbDataReader = oleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo); DataTable dataTable = oleDbDataReader.GetSchemaTable(); How does GetSchemaTable() work? Where does it get its information in RDBMS? ...

C# DataReader.GetSchemaTable() - problem.

This Get() - method is intended to collect the column-names and their data-types from an SQL Server database-table. public partial class Column { //Properties .................... public static List<Column> Get(string databaseName, string tableName) { List<Column> columns = null; try { ORMapper orm...

SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable() return ColumnName into Upper Case?

Hi all, I'm using SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method and I realized that return ColumName into Upper Case mode. There is any way to avoid this? The code I'm using is: System.Data.DataTable dt = reader.GetSchemaTable(); and I found into dt.Rows[i]["ColumnName"].ToString() the name of Column into Upper Case; for example if I hav...