
Process memory increases much faster with gflags +ust

Hello all! I've got stuck in a problem with gflags when trying to find some memory leaks in a windows app. When I turn on the ust flag (in order to collect memory allocations stack traces) the memory of my application increases much faster than it does when the flag is off (it reaches to 800MB in 10 min aprox. which is far from the 50-1...

Why does Loader Snaps not work when attaching to a process?

When I configure GFlags to show loader snaps on an image MYEXE.exe and run the executable from windbg I get loader snaps output in the debug window. But when I use windbg to attach to the process already running I do not, even though I enabled loader snaps before the process was started. How can I get loader snaps to work when attachin...