
Git merge flattening

If I am working in multiple branches on a single feature, I use git pull branch1 branch2 branch3 to pull all the changes into my master branch. However, all the commit logs of each branch are copied as well. How do I flatten the commit log down to a single message? ...

GIT - Push only to a remote branch

Hi, I'm working on a local repo, theres 2 branches, the master and the feature_x I wanna push feature_x to remote, but dont wanna push the changes on master branch. Doing a "git push origin feature_x" from my feature_x branch (feature_x branch already exists on remote) will work? I just don't wanna test this on my box, because I can'...

Push and Pull Branches In Git

I have a local repository I'm working on and it's remote is hosted on GitHub. I recently created a branch and started working on it making several commits and now wish to push the branch to GitHub and be able to pull it to another cloned repository. What needs to be done to accomplish this? If this is not possible using GitHub I'd be ...

Undoing a git push

I just did a doodoo, and in need of some help :) Here's what I did on my supposed-to-be-stable branch... % git rebase master First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded alpha-0.3.0 to master. % git status # On branch alpha-0.3.0 # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/alpha-0.3.0' by 53 commits. # nothing to comm...

Using git right (for private repo website code)?

This may be a question about convention, best practices and/or personal preferences: So I'm a git noob, and my website code is not worth sharing, so I'm not using github or the like. Knowing that git doesn't need a central repository I thought : great, my workstation and the server are the two nodes, and I'll just push changes from my...

Git: how to make remote directory update when pushed to?

I want to use git to manage some data on a remote server, so I set up a non-bare repository there. I can push to it without problems, and the repository itself updates but the actual files are not changed/added/deleted. I have to ssh into the server and do a git reset --hard HEAD to get the file structure to actually update. What's to...

"git push" failed: "You did not specify any refspecs to push"

I set up a git project on projectlocker to push my git files to. Then I went into the directory where I had initialized a git project and staged my files. And finally I tried to push the project to projectlocker with this command: $ git push It generates this error: warning: You di...

Why "git push helloworld +master:master" instead of just "git push helloworld"?

I tried to push my (first ever!) git repo like this initially: $ git push helloworld But I got this back: To ! [rejected] HEAD -> master (non-fast forward) error: failed to push some refs to ' git' So I found another StackO...

Rebase-push cycles for git branches

I'm currently using a github repository with a single branch, based of a master branch of another repository. The github branch is a backup of my work, and definitely not meant for pulling, and as such I'm comfortable with rewriting its history when rebasing from the master repository. My problem is that I want a clean history, and if h...

Howto prevent git from pushing changes to some files

Hi. I've cloned a subversion repository using git svn. The source has some config files that i have to edit to fit my system. I would like to store my changes to those files in my local repo (to easily switch between branches without worrying about locally modified files) but i would like to prevent those changes to be pushed to the rem...

git http push via WebDAV - what if my username has an "@" in it?

My web hosting provider lets me access my webspace via WebDAV, so I thought I'd set up a git repository over there just to see what happens. Cloning the repository read-only works just fine, as "git clone" just uses the standard HTTP transport. Problems arise when I try to use WebDAV, because my user id is...

Have remote git repository refuse merge commits on push

What I want to do: I want to disallow any merge commits to be pushed to the central repository. The only exception being if the merge is between branches that exist in the central repository. I want to enforce this at the central repository. Explanation of why I want to do this: Note: If this explanation throws you off the trail of ...

git: Simple solution for pushing between working copies

What I want to do: On my (ssh remotely accessible) university machine I work on a project which I have put under git source control (git init, then git commit -a after every change, all works fine). Now I want to want to work on that project on my private machine at home. Should be easy, since git is a distributed vcs, right? I read the...

Git push only for bare repositories?

Hello, When I tried 'git push origin master' to remote repository on my external disk, git warning occured stating that pusing to checkout repository will in next releases of git refused by default. On external disk I have checkouted project and I want to send changes that I did on my computer to these reposiotry. Is 'git push origin ma...

Branching my own project from github, then pushing it back to github with branches intact

This feels like im missing something obvious, but i've been reading tutorials for 3 days and can't seem to make it happen. I have a private repo on github. I want to run it as two separate branches. As I understand it, I clone the repo so its on my local machine, then branch it using git branch newbranch git checkout newbranch so fa...

git: how to see changes due to push?

I can't quite figure out how to see what exactly was changed, in the remote repository, by a 'push'. 'git log' shows me the series of commits but those took place in my local repository and were pushed at different times; I would like to know which commits were part of each specific 'push' ...

How can I prevent git push if local modifications are detected (including untracked files)?

Sometimes someone on our team does a git push and breaks the build because his local build works but he has forgotten to commit all his local modifications and untracked files to git before he pushes. I'd like to prevent this... I poured over the docs for an hour or so today and couldn't find anything built in. Does anyone have any sol...

Git over port 443

I have a git repository on my server i can ssh over port 443. But now i want to pull from that server and push to it but git gives me connection refused. I think it's connecting over port 22 but i want it to connect over 443. I use tortoiseplink to connect with how can i make it connect through port 443 when pushing or pulling ? ...

how to push different local git branches to heroku/master

Heroku has a policy of ignoring all branches but 'master'. While I'm sure Heroku's designers have excellent reasons for for this policy (I'm guessing for storage and performance optimization), the consequence to me as a developer is that whatever local topic branch I may be working on, I would like an easy way to switch Heroku's master...

Is it possible to push to 2 or more remote repositories at the same time?

Is it possible to push to 2 or more remote repositories at the same time? I only want to mirror the main repository, where most if not all the pulls will come from. ...