
Git ignore file for Xcode projects

Which files should I include in .gitignore when using Git in conjunction with Xcode? ...

Can I make vim respect my .gitignore files?

I was wondering if there is a way to get vim to read .gitignore files and use them to determine options not to present when auto-completing filenames. For example, working in python, I'd like to not see .pyc files offered for editing. I think vim has its own mechanism for this, I was wondering how to load information from .gitignore in...

How to ignore a file which is already comitted in the previous commit?

Previously, the following was my .gitignore file. ... ... config/database.yml .DS_Store Later i created a app_config.yml file in the config directory and comitted it. Now, I realized that I don't need that app_config.yml file in the git repository. And I modified my .gitignore file ... config/app_config.yml config/database.yml .DS...

Difference in the paths in .gitignore file?

I've been using git but still having confusion about the .gitignore file paths. So, what is the difference between the following two paths in .gitignore file? tmp/* public/documents/**/* I can understand that tmp/* will ignore all the files and folders inside it. Am I right? But does that second line path means? ...

How do I tell Git to ignore ".gitignore" ?

I just did a git init on the root of my new project. Then I created a .gitignore file. Now, when I type "git status", ".gitignore" appears in the list of untracked files. Why is that? ...

Git Ignores and Maven targets

Anyone know if it is possible to ignore all the instances of a particular directory in a file structure managed by git. I'm looking to exclude all the 'target' folders in a maven project with a number of submodules. I know I can explicitly exclude each of them in a top level .gitignore, but I'd really like to be able to specify a patte...

Git: How do I ignore matching directories in a sub directory?

I have a project with the following structure: /. /src /project1 /bin /obj /project2 /bin /obj /tools /tool1 /bin What can I add to my .git/info/exclude to ignore all bin/obj directories under "src"? I don't want to explicitly specify each project name. ...

.gitignore File not ignoring

I have an already initialized git repo that I added a .gitignore file to, how can I refresh the file index so the files I want ignored get ignored? ...

git: ignore everything except subdirectory

I want to ignore all files in my repository except those that occur in the 'bin' subdirectory. I tried adding the following to my .gitignore * !bin/* This does not have the desired effect, however: I created a new file inside of bin/, but doing 'git status' still "shows nothing to commit (working directory clean)" Any suggestions? T...

Making git "forget" about a file that *was* tracked but is now ".gitignored"

There's this file that was being tracked at one time by git, but now the file is on the .gitignore list. However, that file keeps showing up in git st after it's edited, so how would you force git to completely forget about it? ...

Is there a way to tell git to only include certain files instead of ignoring certain files?

My programs generally generate huge output files (~1 GB) which I do not want to be backing up to the git repository. So instead of being able to do git add . I have to do something like git add *.c *.cc *.f *.F *.C *.h *.cu which is a little bit cumbersome... I feel fairly confident I could write a quicky perl script ls the direc...

Why is git ignoring my changed file?

I make an arbitrary change to a file within my git working directory. git status does not recognized that the file has changed. git add /path/to/file has no effect. git add -f /path/to/file has no effect. git status /path/to/file shows the file as in the 'changes to be committed' bucket. I removed my .gitignore file, just to be ...

.gitignore - ignore any 'bin' directory

Hi, I have a directory structure like this: .git/ .gitignore main/ ... tools/ ... ... Inside main and tools, and any other directory, at any level, there can be a 'bin' directory, which I want to ignore (and I want to ignore everything under it too). I've tried each of these patterns in .gitignore but none of them work: /**/bin/*...

git ignore files only locally

Can I ignore files locally without polluting the global git config for everyone else? I have untracked files that are spam in my git status but I don't want to commit git config changes for every single little random untracked file I have in my local branches. ...

Using git, how do I ignore a file in one branch but have it committed in another branch?

I've got a project that I'm deploying to heroku. The source code tree includes a bunch of mp3 files (the website will be for a recording project I was heavily involved with). I'd like to put the source code for it up on github, but github has a 300 MB limit on their free accounts. I don't want to use 50 MB of my limit on a bunch of m...

git: ignoring files in the origin

Is there a way to tell git to ignore a file that's stored in its origin? Since the files in question are in the upstream repository, just adding them to .gitignore or .git/info/exclude don't work. Background: My upstream repository has some generated files in it. Every time I do a local rebuild, these generated files are changed and ...

Ignore folder in stable, but not in devel branch

I have the following folder structure for my project src/ test_unit/ package1/ test_unit/ package2/ test_unit output/ In my devel branch all folders should be version controlled, but the master/stable branch should ignore and not merge test_unit/ and output/ folder. How can I achieve this? With .gitignore it won'...

Gitiginore all files except those with .rst extensions?

The ** and * in gitignore are a bit confusing. Here is what I have in .gitignore: * !*.rst This works for all *.rst files in the root directory. What about .rst files in subdirectories? I tried * !*.rst !**/*.rst But this does not change anything. ...

Project Part of Two Git Repositories - How to Ignore Different Files For Each?

Along the same lines as this question - How do I clone all remote branches with Git?, if I have set up a Github repository like so: $ git clone mycart $ cd mycart $ git branch * master $ git remote add origin fatal: remote origin already exists. $ git remote add myfo...

Why is .gitignore not including a file prefixed by a !

Hello, My .gitignore file reads as follows: build/ glucosia.xcodeproj/ !glucosia.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj core-plot/framework/build core-plot/framework/CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj/ !core-plot/framework/CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj .DS_Store Classes/.DS_Store Strangely, glucosia.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj is not ign...