
how to pass structure variables

Am having a set of structure variable in one form, i want to use that structure variable as a global variables. i need to use those structure variable in through out my whole application, how to use structure as global variable?? am using C#.. ...

Please Describe Your Struggles with Minimizing Use of Global Variables

Most of the programs I write are relatively flowchartable processes, with a defined start and hoped-for end. The problems themselves can be complex but do not readily lean towards central use of objects and event-driven programming. Often, I am simply churning through great varied batches of text data to produce different text data. O...

Call to a member function query() on a non-object

Ok, this is so weird!!! I am running PHP Version 5.1.6 when I try and run the code below it gives a fatal error of an object that has not been instantiated. As soon as I un-comment this line of code //$cb_db = new cb_db(USER, PASSWORD, NAME, HOST); everything works. Even though I have declared the $cb_db object as global within in the me...

[Doxygen] How to documenting global dependencies for functions?

I've got some C code from a 3rd party vendor (for an embedded platform) that uses global variables (for speed & space optimizations). I'm documenting the code, converting to Doxygen format. How do I put a note in the function documentation that the function requires on global variables and functions? Doxygen has special commands for...

Associative Array / Object can't be read in functions

At the very beginning of the javascript file, I have: var lbp = {}; lbp.defaults = { minLength: 40 }; I can successfully alert it afterwards, with: alert(lbp.defaults.minLength); But as soon as I put it inside a function, when I alert, I get "Undefined". What gives, and how do I avoid this? Is it absolutely necessary to pass ...

Global variables in java

I want to make a class in java that is accessible to all other classes in my project. I created this in the default package and now it cannot be seen. What is the best way to do this in java? ...

Argument 'sample2' conceals a global declaration of the same symbol

Hello guys, I have a weird problem in C. I have a structure and I pointed sample to that structure : test sample; now in the code, I call that structure through a function : function is called something, so something(&sample) is used to point the structure in the function. Now I need to copy values of sample to sample2 .. So I want ...

C++ Beginner - Trouble using structs and constants!

Hello everyone! I am currently working on a simple Scrabble implementation for a college project. I can't get a part of it to work, though! Check this out: My board.h: The subroutine where the error lies: //Following snippet contained in board.cpp //I believe the function is self-explanatory... //Pos i...

Beginner C++ - Trouble using global constants in a header file

Hello! Yet another Scrabble project question... This is a simple one. It seems I am having trouble getting my global constants recognized: My board.h: Errors returned: 1>C:\Users\Francisco\Documents\FEUP\1A2S\PROG\projecto3\projecto3\Board.h(34): error: variable "TOTAL_ROWS" is not a type name 1> ...

Objective-C global array of ints not working as expected

In my MyConstants.h file... I have: int abc[3]; In my matching MyConstants.m file... I have: extern int abc[3] = {11, 22, 33}; In each of my other *.m files... I have #import "MyConstants.h" Inside 1 of my viewDidLoad{} methods, I have: extern int abc[]; NSLog(@"abc = (%d) (%d)", abc[1], sizeof(abc)/sizeof(int)); Why does i...

Dynamic-linked DLL needs to share a global variable with its caller.

I have a static library libStatic that defines a global variable like this Header file libStatic/globals.h: extern int globvar; Code file libStatic/globals.cpp: int globvar = 42; The DLL libDynamic and the executable runner are using this global variable. Furtheron, libDynamic is linked at run-time into runner (via LoadLibrary(), ...

global counter in application: bad practice?

In my C++ application I sometimes create different output files for troubleshooting purposes. Each file is created at a different step of our pipelined operation and it's hard to know file came before which other one (file timestamps all show the same date). I'm thinking of adding a global counter in my application, and a function (wit...

In Objective C, is there a way to call reference a typdef enum from another class?

It is my understanding that typedef enums are globally scoped, but if I created an enum outside of the @interface of RandomViewController.h, I can't figure out how to access it from OtherViewController.m. Is there a way to do this? So... "RandomViewController.h" #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> typedef enum { EnumOne, EnumTwo }EnumType; @i...

PHP contact form, am I doing it wrong?

I'm learning PHP and I'm trying to write a simple email script. I have a function (checkEmpty) to check if all the forms are filled in and if the email adress is valid (isEmailValid). I'm not sure how to return true checkEmpty funciton. Here's my code: When the submit button is clicked: if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //INSERT FORM VAL...

In game programming are global variables bad?

I know my gut reaction to global variables is "badd!" but in the two game development courses I've taken at my college globals were used extensively, and now in the DirectX 9 game programming tutorial I am using ( I'm being told globals are okay in game programming ...? The site also recommends using only structs...

How to get global access to enum types in C#?

This is probably a stupid question, but I can't seem to do it. I want to set up some enums in one class like this: public enum Direction { north, east, south, west }; Then have that enum type accessible to all classes so that some other class could for instance have: Direction dir = north; and be able to pass the enum type between...

unique random id

I am generating unique id for my small application but I am facing some variable scope problem. my code- function create_id() { global $myusername; $part1 = substr($myusername, 0, -4); $part2 = rand (99,99999); $part3 = date("s"); return $part1.$part2.$part3; } $id; $count=0; while($count == 1) { $id; $id=create_id...

Javascript Anonymous Functions and Global Variables

I thought I would try and be clever and create a Wait function of my own (I realise there are other ways to do this). So I wrote: var interval_id; var countdowntimer = 0; function Wait(wait_interval) { countdowntimer = wait_interval; interval_id = setInterval(function() { --countdowntimer <=0 ? clearInterval(interval_id) : nu...

jQuery global variable best practice & options?

Currently I am working on a legacy web page that uses a ton of javascript, jquery, microsoft client javascript, and other libraries. The bottom line - I cannot rewrite the entire page from scratch as the business cannot justify it. So... it is what it is. Anyway, I need to pollute (I really tried not too) the global namespace with a v...

what's the difference between SCRIPT_FILENAME and SCRIPT_NAME?

I tried to search for a difference but each time the vars are identical, any ideas ? ...