
Gmail IMAP OAuth for desktop clients

Recently Google announced that they are supporting OAUth for Gmail IMAP/SMTP. I browsed through their multiple documentations, but still I am confused about if they support OAuth for installed applications. 1. In this documentation they say: Note: Though the OAuth protocol supports the desktop/installed application use case, Goo...

How can I configure Drupal 6 to work with gmail?

How can I configure Drupal 6 to work with gmail IMAP? These are the errors I get when trying to send email from Drupal. warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 23sm231165iwn.2 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\acquia-drupal\includes\ on line 193. Unable to send e-mail. Please c...

IMAP batch fetch text part of messages

Hey, I'd like to download the text (that is mime type text/plain, text/html text/richtext) from UID x to UID y. I have the UID's (and not mailbox IDs). How can I do something like FETCH 412444:412500 (BODY.PEEK[TEXT/PLAIN OR TEXT/HTML OR TEXT/RICHTEXT]) Thanks! ...

UTF-8 Subject line appears as question marks in Gmail

Hi, I am trying to send an email with Chinese characters in the subject line from my program to a gmail account, but the subject line appears as ????. This is how the subject line is encoded: =?utf-8?B?Rlc6IOiri+W5q+aIkee1piDoiIfkvaDotbfkvobnmoTlkIzkuos=?= Is there anything wrong in the encoding? Is there anything that I have to bear ...

Accessing attachments using gmail contextual gadgets

I'd like to save an email, along with attachments, from Gmail (Google Apps) to another database for CRM-like functionality. However, according to the docs, "Extractors can not read email attachments". My question: Is it possible to somehow use some type of identifier from the email (such as EmailTimeExtractor) and use that to pull the at...

Reading gmail from c#

Does anyone know a way to read email messages from a gmail account in C#? I've looked for hours and found a few options that all seemed to have been broken by Google's change in protocol however long ago. I've tried POP3 and IMAP and none seem to work. For some reason OpenSSL.NET won't load, giving me this error "Could not load file or ...

How to manage Gmail labels in mutt

Is there a way to manage Gmail lables(Virtual folders) with mutt?? ...

IMAP search by subject fails on gmail

I am using the php imap libaray's imap_search() function to search mails in gmail inbox via subject string. imap_seach($mbox, 'ALL SUBJECT "<search string>"'); This search returns perfectly fine for alphanumeric strings but fails when it has special characters like slash, comma, colon, single quote, hyphen, colon and many other charact...

Mime, Atom feed or IMapx for reading from gmail

Hi, I am little confused as to what is the best approach for reading mails from gmail Here are the links that I reffered: I ha...

Javamail IMAP connection with Gmail drops after a random duration

I'm using Javamail to authenticate into gmail imap server and fetch messages headers for complete mailbox one at a time and index locally. For inboxes which have few messages, this works fine. For inboxes with messages more than 10k in general, javamail imap connection gets dropped (possibly by server). The point to note is that this dur...

Javamail IMAP search by SUBJECT fails

I'm using javamail for imap search by subject on Gmail. I use the subjectTerm class to create a searchTerm object and pass to the search function. Search works fine for subject strings which are pure alphanumeric. As soon as I put in a single quote or a dash in the search string the search fails. IMAPSSLStore imapSslStore = connectToIm...