
What's the newest way to develop gnome panel applets (using python)

Today I've switched to GNOME (from XFCE) and found some of the cool stuff missing and I would like to (try to) do them on my own. I tried to find information on how to develop Gnome applets (items you place within the panel) and most likely in Python, but it's not a hard limitation. I found the article 'Gnome applets with Python', but i...

access to gnome configuration information using python

Is there a standard way of accessing Gnome configuration information (i.e. ~/.gconf) using Python? Updated: please provide a short example. ...

GNOME applet using threads hangs

I am trying to develop a GNOME applet (put into panel) using python (pyGTK). I've started by following the tutorial suggested in other SO question. My plan is to let the applet do something in the background in a repetitive fashion (causing its display to be updated). So I thought I am gonna need threads to do it. I've seen several tut...

Get current timepoint from Totem application

I want to find the exact time where a media file is currently paused at (or playing) in a running Totem instance using D-Bus. To be precise, what I want is available from the Totem python console (if the plugin exists and is enabled) by the following command: >>> print totem_object.props.current_time 732616 which I understand is milli...

How to check which program runs inside gnome-terminal

I want to write a program which prints the current focused window name and if it is a gnome-terminal, then prints out the running program inside the current gnome-terminal tab (for example vim, if a vim session is running). To get the currently focused window name, I used: xprop -root | grep "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW)" ...

are glib signals asynchronous?

When using glib to dispatch signals through emit, are all the "listeners"/handlers called back-to-back or is control relinquished to the event loop after each listener/handler? ...

How to launch a website in Java Swing, in a way that works in Gnome and KDE

As outline in a previous question I asked. A website can be launched by doing this: Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new"")); This works fine in Ubuntu(gnome), but it doesn't appear to work in OpenSUSE(KDE flavour). There is a bug lodged with Sun about this. Any ideas on alternate ways to do this, that will wo...

Android Plugin in Eclipse 3.5 on Ubuntu 64bit got problems with properties

Hi there! I got a huge problem with the Android Development Tools ADT running in Eclipse Galileo (3.5.1) on Ubuntu 9.10, 64bit. On this platform, I do not manage to see any property edit dialogs for layout properties. E.g. the one where you can select a string resource ID for text fields, or a drawable ID for image fields or backgrounds...

Looking for a recommended SVN link...

I am looking for a recommended link to download a Tortoise equivalent for OpenSUSE with GNOME desktop. ...

How do I prevent JDialog from showing in gnome-panel(Linux)?

I have a class: public class ANote extends JDialog{...} In GNOME(Linux) it shows an entry in the gnome-panel. I want it to show nothing (under Windows the instances of JDialog show nothing in the Windows taskbar), because there may be present several instances of the class simultaneously, and this overcrowds the gnome-panel. How do I ...

Do Qt Applications require KDE?

Do all Qt applications require KDE to be installed? Is it enough if the Qt runtime is installed along with GNOME? Can I make a Qt application look exactly like a GTK application under GNOME? Could anyone please point me to some article detailing the relationship between Qt, GTK, KDE, GNOME, X? ...

How do I move a Java JFrame partially off my Linux desktop?

I'm writing a Java application with movable frames, and I've come across a quirk in Linux. I'm running GNOME 2.16.0 under CentOS. When I use JFrame.setBounds to set the bounds to any location that's half off the screen, it actually sets the location of the frame to be as close as possible to the bounds specified while still staying com...

Tool to create UI for Linux (Gnome) shell scripts

I'm writing a bunch of Linux shell scripts with complex selections. For now I use zenity for prompts. I'd rather use something where I can show more than one UI element at a time and query it in a script (e.g. a list and some checkboxed and a file picker and an entry field. What are my options? ...

How to add a separator in a PyGTK combobox?

I'm using gtk.combo_box_new_text() to make combobox list, this uses a gtk.ListStore to store only strings, so there are some way to add a separator between items without use a complex gtk.TreeModel? If this is not possible, what is the simplest way to use a gtk.TreeModel to able secuential widget addition? ...

Start PyGTK cellrenderer edit from code

I have a treeview with an editable CellRendererText: self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('editable', True) But now I need to launch the edition from code instead from user, this is to focus the user attention in the fact he just created a new row and needs to be named. I tried this but does not work: sel...

Zoomed PyGTK image without scale pixbuf

I want to display a gtk.Image with a high level of zoom, but scale the image to a new pixbuf with the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf methods waste a lot of memory and processor. Are there some simply way to display a zoomed image? ...

Enable PyGTK Eventbox motion-notify-event while is a Layout child

I noticed when a Eventbox is added into a Layout some events are missed, this does not happend for example adding it to a Fixed (very similar widget), I tried to restore the event mask in this way with no sucess: import pygtk import gtk def foo(widget, event): print event pygtk.require('2.0') window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPL...

error: gnome.h: No such file or directory

I would like to resolve this 'error: gnome.h: No such file or directory ' on ubuntu. I get this error: /bin/sh: gnome-config: not found In file included from TestMDI.cpp:18: ../../../../dist/include/system_wrappers/gnome.h:3:24: error: gnome.h: No such file or directory From this: I tr...

installing ruby/gnome2 on ruby1.9

My purpose is to install ruby/gnome2 and make it work with ruby1.9 on Ubuntu9.10. I already have ruby/gnome2 working with ruby1.8, but I need to make it work with ruby1.9. I also have ruby1.9 working. When I run within ruby-gnome2-all-0.19.3: ruby1.9 extconf.rb it eventually gives me: Target libraries: glib, gdkpixbuf, pango, atk, gt...

Where is the PyGTK event stack?

You can know if the event stack is empty calling the gtk.events_pending() method, but I want to manipulate the pending events and filter it before the next gtk loop cycle, this data must be stored somewhere, but where? Thanks. ...