
How can I replace the ISBN with the Google Books ID in a MARC file, using Perl?

I've got a file with some book data in MARC format, of which some lines are ISBNs. I'd like to replace these lines with the Google Books ID of that ISBN, if it exists. Here's the code so far, which just ends up removing the lines: perl -pe "s#ISBN(.*)#$(wget --output-document=- --quiet --user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 \"

Clubbing reprints of a book with different ISBNs

Hi, I am using Google Books API to let a user search for a particular book and display the results. The problem is that different editions of the same book have different ISBNs. Is there any way to club these reprints, based on the information the API returns ? I want to do this is because I have the ISBNs of some of the editions in my ...

Google Books API - Getting Book Ratings?

I cannot find a way to get a Book's Ratings through the Books API provided by Google. All I figured out is how to obtain search listings, which do not include ratings and description. Help would be very much appreciated. ...

google book api

hi, i need to add google's book preview button in my web app. I tried Google Book Search APIs, and used their dynamic links, and added the following in my jquery code: var cburl = ""; var api_url = cburl + "?jscmd=viewapi document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=" + api_url + " type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/s...

SyntaxError using gdata-python-client to access Google Book Search Data API

>>> import gdata.books.service >>> service = gdata.books.service.BookService() >>> results = service.search_by_keyword(isbn='0434003484') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> results = service.search_by_keyword(isbn='0434003484') ... snip ... File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\atom\", l...

free web proxy that supports google books?

Hi, Looking for a free web proxy that supports previewing books at Thanks! ...

How to get book metadata?

Hi everyone, My application needs to retrieve information about any published book based on a provided ISBN, title, or author. This is hardly a unique requirement---sites like,, and even software like Book Collector seem to be able to do this easily. But I have not been able to replicate it. To clarify, I do not ne...

Ruby on Rails 3 and Google Book Search

I'm trying to get started using the Google Data API for Google Book Search in my Ruby on Rails 3 application, and I don't even understand how to get started. What gems do I need? What do I need to do in order to do something simple like searching for books with a title of Foobar? ...