
Adding Google Calendar API to a Chrome Extensions

Steps to reproduce issue: 1. Create a Chrome extension using content_scripts. 2. Add the Google JS api to your background.html file in order to use the Calendar API. 3. Try running google.load("gdata", "1"); I'm trying to use the Calendar API in my Chrome extension. I'm using content_scripts to run my js file when the page initially loa...

How to run JavaScript snippet right before onload event(Google Chrome Extension)

What I'm trying to do is write a Chrome extension that inserts a snippet of Javascript that will fire after all the Javascript code on the page has run, but before the onload event fires. (There is some code on the page that has an event listener for the onload event). I've tried all that I've thought of for my extension, but I haven't...

Can you use jQuery POST in a Chrome extension?

I'm trying to get my Chrome extension working with the Google Calendar API. However, the way Google has set up the extension sandbox makes anything almost impossible. I can't add the Calendar API using JavaScript because I've tried 200 different ways to include the library. Therefore, I want to try interact w...

How to get rid of parent webpage styles

I am developing a Google Chrome extension. Extension shows a dialog box (jquery ui, as a div) inside any webpage, in the dialog box user can add some content [HTML content without body, without styles info]. The problem i am facing is, that the styles specified in the webpage are getting applied to the jquery dialog and the content use...

Web SQL sync using a GoogleDocs spreadsheet ?

I need to sync the WebDB of an extension I'm building, and was thinking about using a GoogleDocs spreadsheet as storage, so the extension should be able to read/write the "file" to keep the sync. (each line of the spreadsheet would be a DB record ) Is this feasible, or there are perhaps better solutions? ...

Access function from background page in Chrome extension

In my background (background.html) page I have the following js: function capturePage(){ chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, function(img){ var screenshotUrl = img; chrome.tabs.create({"url":"history.html"}, function(tab){ var t = tab; var addImage = function(){ var view = chrome.extension.getViews()[0]; ...

Synchronous message passing in chrome extensions?

I'm trying to block a script file from loading on user defined websites. To block a script file I'm using beforeload event and event.preventDefault(); in content script which works fine as long as I already know website list. My problem is I don't know website list in advance, so to get the website list I'm sending a request to backgroun...

Trouble parsing xml with jQuery on a extension for google chrome

I really can't figure out, what's wrong with this code: This is my manifest.json file: { "name": "Test!", "version": "1.0", "description": "Testing this", "content_scripts": [ { "js": [ "jquery-1.4.2.min.js", "parser.js" ], "matches": [ "file:///*/*" ] } ], "permissions": [ "tabs"...

Chrome extension : Download/export content created "on the fly"

I need to let the user to download a file created on the fly from some data contained in the extension, but I don't want to do this server-side. As a real-world example : There is a variable containing the text "hello world". I want the user to be able to download/create a .TXT file containing such text. Is it possible ? -edited- S...

Chrome Developer Tools: JS Interpreter?

Sorry if I missed something and this is a silly question...but can I enter arbitrary javascript in the developer tools console (like I can with firebug)? It seems that I can interact with the DOM, console.log, etc., but I'm wondering if there's a way to enter code in to try things out like one would do with an interpreter? EDIT: So I w...

Chrome extension double click on a word.

I would like to know how to call a function once the user double-clicks on any word on the page they are visiting (from a content script). Something similar to Google Dictionary extension. I have inspected the codes in the extension but it was not indented (compiled/minimized) so I've decided to ask this question here. A snippet of codes...

Google API Authentication

Using the Google Javascript API I am trying to authenticate myself (locally) to create a new event in my calendar. However, I get an error (see below) stating that my "next" parameter is bad or missing when I execute the log-in portion of the script. I am following the data api interactive samples for "Create a single event". Update 1: ...

Does AdBlock change how Chrome renders pages?

I'm designing/building a site, and like a good little developer I've been keeping an eye on how things render in all the popular browsers - the current versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari (for Windows) and Chrome, and Internet Explorer (8, not the 9 preview). Anyway, everything looked absolutely fine in Chrome to me, but a friend of min...

How do I put a number on my Google Chrome extension?

So I'm developing a chrome extension and I would like to put a number on the icon. I'm assuming this is done through the canvas element but I can't find any examples. Anyone have an example they want to share? ...

Chrome Page Action click not working

this is my manifest.json file { "name": "My First Extension", "version": "1.0", "description": "The first extension that I made.", "background_page": "background.html", "page_action": { "default_icon": "icon.png" }, "permissions" : [ "tabs" ] } This is the background.html <html> <head> <script> /...

Chrome extension idea: make Facebook permissions optional. Feasible?

I'm hoping someone who has some experience in the Chrome/Firefox extension can save me some time by explaining whether or not this is a feasible idea. Ok, so when you click the facebook connect button on a site, it launches the OAuth dance and pops a window to a URL with a parameter called "perms" that lists the Facebook extended permis...

Modify Protocols With Chrome Extension?

I have an idea for a chrome extension where I take a protocol, just for example, helloworld:// and in the url bar you could do helloworld://check this out and i could have the plugin alert "check this out" or do some other complex AJAX stuff? Is this possible? ...

Why am I getting null value when trying to use the mediawiki api from a chrome extension js script?

I have a javascript script in a chrome extension i'm building. It is content script. The script is using mediawiki api: function wikifind(str) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); url = ";format=xml&amp;titles="+str;"GET", url, true); req.send; } I have two ...

Chrome Extensions accessing header information

I am on a mission to expand my knowledge and create an extension for chrome similar to how firephp works. I want to integrate with my existing logging and debugging api within my framework and I want to be able to send these messages to the console. Nothing really robust to start with just a way to send debug messages to the chrome con...

Nicer way to deploy a minified Chrome extension

When deploying an extension I follow various steps : copy to a temporary folder all the files, copy/paste back and forth the code to the on-line minifiers / obfuscators and create the zip to be uploaded. It's obvious that this could be simplified with scripting, but my experience on Windows scripting is very limited (most of my experien...