
How to load javascript files using google.load instead of directly using tag in freemarker template language?

How to load javascript files using google.load instead of directly using tag in freemarker template language? ...

what if google.load fails?

Curious if there was a simple way to have a fail-safe on google.load() The likely hood that google can't deliver the file but I can is pretty slim but I thought it might be interesting to have my own server be able to provide a failover in case the request bombs or timesout or something. any thoughts? I'm using MS visual studio 2008 /...

Getting user location with google.loader.ClientLocation working for me but not others

Am trying to use google.loader.ClientLocation along with the maps api to get the location of the visitor and center a map on it. The following is working fine for me (on Safari, Firefox and Chrome), but a friend I got to test it (in Safari and Firefox) just sees a white box with the Google logo. <script type="text/javascript" src="http...

How to implement a mechanism like google.load()?

we have a need to implement a mechanism like google.load(). So that we can load libraries from different domains (inside the intranet). Similarly to google search API, we wanna have the capability to embed an intranet search like google.load('search'). ...