
Calling map.fitBounds() Multiple Times in Google Maps API v3.0

I've just begun using the Google Maps API (v3.0) and have had a good deal of success so far. I am loading a set of objects with Latitude & Longitude values from a database, passing them into my script, and looping over them in the script in order to add them to the map. I am using the "bounds.extend() / map.fitBounds()" method of settin...

Shortcut (programmatically) open a link in a new tab without focus to that tab

Google search + Google Chrome browser have this implemented, when you browse the google search results using your up and down arrows (only possible in Chrome browser) and than press CTRL+ENTER it opens the search result selected in a new tab but without focus to that tab. You can now use up and down keys in the same list of search result...

jQuery and Grails/HTML - Make text field complete text like Google does

Hello: I wanna make certain fields in my page to show me like a list of possible finishing sentences just like Google does. I think this is done via jQuery, but I'm not sure. The textfield is named commodity. Let's say I write General and in the list, array, or DB I have General Commodity I should show me General Commodity under the ...

When does Google I/O registration open up usually?

I have been polishing my Java lately, and I am really starting to dig into the Android SDK. I am looking forward to attending Google's I/O conference next year, and I am nervous that I am going to miss the sign up period. Historically, when has the conference registration opened up? For those of you who went last year, do you remember wh...

Why google index this ?

Possible Duplicate: Why google index this ? In this webpage: there is this image: Why this image is indexed if in the robots.tx...

How to disable Google Instant Search from within http url query?

Some of my programs send direct queries to Google and then parse the HTML results - for instance Unfortunately, it seems that since very recently, when sending such queries to Google, the "num" parameter is ignored because of Instant Search. No matter what, only 10 results are ...

Unable to open the stream comming from google map api in android?

When i am using below url for drawing route on map on android: StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder(); urlString.append(""); urlString.append("&saddr="); urlString.append(src); urlString.append("&daddr=");// to urlString.append(dest); urlString.append("&ie=UT...

Trying to track number of clicks in user's emails

Hi everyone. My issue is as follow: I'm trying to count the number of clicks on ads in our newsletter. The thing is I can't include js in emails - it's understandable. So I found a way around this by writing this small piece of code: <script type="text/javascript" src="

How to send files using Smack ?

Hello, I am struggling with this code: FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager(connection) OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer("gmailusername@gmail/Smack"); try { System.out.println("000"); transfer.sendFile(new File("D:/cow.wav"), "Moo !"); System.out.println("111"); while(!transfer.isD...

Sitemap for a site with a large number of dynamic subdomains

Hi, I'm running a site which allows users to create subdomains. I'd like to submit these user subdomains to search engines via sitemaps. However, according to the sitemaps protocol (and Google Webmaster Tools), a single sitemap can include URLs from a single host only. What is the best approach? At the moment I've the following stru...

Clustering Google Maps API V3

Hi All, Could u plz tell me how to find the pixel co ordinates of a marker in Google Maps API V3? ...

Embedded Google Docs PDF viewer displays login page rather than PDF

I have a Web page in which I embed a Google docs viewer in an iFrame <iframe src=";embedded=true" width="750" height="960" style="border: none;"></iframe> (where URL-encoded-URL is an actual encoded URL). For many/most of my users, the Google PDF Doc viewer appears and displays the...

How can i export GMap V3 features to KML?

I'm using a great tool (geoxml3) to load private KML data to my Map. However, if a user creates points, polygon and circle features on my map, how can i allow them to export that to KML? Is there a tool like geoxml3 or do i need to create the xml file manually? ...

Changing KML Placemark icons on click in Google Maps API V3

Hi, I am trying to change the KML placemark icons of a KML overlay in a sample Maps application that I am working on. Here's the sample code - function seekml() { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(40.65, -73.95); var myOptions = { zoom: 14, mapTypeControl: true, center: myLatlng, mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapT...

StackExchange site for SEO

Which StackExchange site do I use to ask questions about SEO? ...

key word research - Please consider key word phrase - docx converter in google.

why did not show up when I type docx converter in google. The closest match is My question 1 : What are the reasons for not showing up? My question 2 : Which among the domain and is friendly with keyword phrase docx converter? and W...

Google's AJAX CDN

Does any one know how to access the Claro css file for version 1.3.2 I tried this link but it did not work? ...

sms to map location

Hey, does anyone know how to strip the location data from a sms? So someones location could be marked on Google maps. Basically they'd text a Google voice number: 'team 1: message'. Then it would email the server with the message and it would pull the lat and long from the sms. All the info I could get was, It's done using Drupal, the...

How to work with with Google playground code in offline?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; This script it need to call from that possible to download the code ...

Get LatLon from Google with Mootools Request.JSONP

Hi, I am trying to fetch the LatLon data from a request to Google. The Request.JSONP request works fine and returns the data perfect, but at the onSucces it returns a 'Invalid label' error. Here is my script: var G = {} var googleURL = ''; = function(id){ var addre...