
C++ , is this goto statement warranted?

hello I have changed title slightly because I thought this is more appropriate question. Would you refactor it (seems like legitimate use of goto) ? If, how would you refactor the following code to remove go to statement? if (data.device) { try { ... } catch(const std::exception&) { goto done; } ... // more t...

How to localize a variable in an upper scope in Perl?

I have run across the following pattern a few times while developing Perl modules that use AUTOLOAD or other subroutine dispatch techniques: sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = $_[0]; my $code = $self->figure_out_code_ref( $AUTOLOAD ); goto &$code; } This works fine, and caller sees the correct scope. Now what I would like to do ...

Why is it bad to use goto?

Possible Duplicate: GOTO still considered harmful? I just came across some C# code that had a goto statement in it (which I didn't even know C# supported). I only vaguely remember hearing about goto statements in one of my college classes. I seem to remember my professor saying it should never be used but I don't remember wh...

What is wrong with using goto?

Possible Duplicates: Why is it bad to use goto? GOTO still considered harmful? I was ramdomming through xkcd and saw this one (if also read some negative texts about them some years ago): What is actually wrong with it? Why are goto's even possible in C++ then? Why should I not use them? ...

How can I avoid using goto for a series of prompts?

I'm writing a console based application that prompts a user for a series of questions. E.g: "Enter a record to open:" "Do you want to do X?" "Do you want to do Y?" "Are you sure you want to continue?" If the user enters nothing at any prompt I want to go up one level. This is easy using goto. The only other way I can think of to do...

Other ways to deal with "loop initialization" in C#

To start with I'll say that I agree that goto statements are largely made irrelevant by higher level constructs in modern programming languages and shouldn't be used when a suitable substitute is available. I was re-reading an original edition of Steve McConnell's Code Complete recently and had forgotten about his suggestion for a commo...

How goto statement works in this example ?

Hi, I am studying this code sample: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int x = 10; int y = 10; int generate=0; string [,] myArrayTable = new string[x, y]; Console.WriteLine("Enter a seek number: "); string cautat = Console.ReadLine(); for (int i = 0; i <...

C# goto use - what else to use here?

Hi, I know using goto is something most people say to avoid, however I have read on various places that sometimes it is useful if you need simple code. Currently I have very simple program that needs to be repeated if user selects so: static void Main() { Restart: ... string UserChoice=Console.ReadLine(); if (UserChoice...

SQL GOTO statement in a script with multiple GO

I need to exit a SQL script without an error if a certain condition holds true. I've read that 1 solution would be to raiseerror with error code 20+ and with log parameter. But the limitation for that is that i can execute that only as an admin and the connection to the db will be aborted. Also, I tried using GOTO and jump to the end-o...

Delphi: Goto not considered harmful in this case?

Alright, so you have a TObjectList instance. You want to loop through the items in it and delete some of the objects from the list. You can't do this: for I := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do if TMyClass(ObjectList[I]).ShouldRemove then ObjectList.Delete(I); ...because once you delete the first object the index counter I will be al...

Is using "goto" acceptable in this situation?

The following is pseudocode: myGoto: try { // do some db updating myDB.doOptimisticConcurrency(); } catch (MyConcExeption ex) { if (tried < fiveTimes) { myDB.Refresh(); tried++; goto myGoto; } } I have several try-catch blocks in one method, and I don't want to reinvoke my method from the beginning ...

windows batch file with goto command not working

Hello all, I have a problem with GOTO command and affiliated labels. Facts: Given a bunch of files from a folder (they are log errors) I need to open them and check if they contain a specific string. If yes then eliminate some characters (all the chars after the last appearance of "_", including itself) from the file names and do othe...

goto line of code failing to execute

Hello, I have always been taught almost never to use goto statements in programming, however we are required to do so as part of my most recent programming project. I have an if/else statement with various goto statements, and the goto statements are failing to execute. I have no idea why. Any help would be appreciated. int myInt...

Design pattern that can replace chained switch/goto?

Hello! I have a code for updating my application resources to current application version. This code is called after application update. int version = 1002; // current app version switch(version) { case 1001: updateTo1002(); goto case 1002; case 1002: updateTo1003(); goto case 1003; case 1003: ...