Hi gurus
I have trouble with binding Boolean property in association classes. Property is set to true if I check checkbox (good), but is null if checbox is not checked.
I know the problem with HTML checkbox. I know why is send "_fieldName" in params, but this "_fieldName" dont set my boolean property to false.
class Person{
I'm attempting to pull up all entities that have a name that doesn't partially match a given string.
This gives me the following error:
No such property: nameNot for class: MyEntity
Possible solutions: name" type="groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException">
I had a quick look at the criteria st...
Is there a way in Grails to Detect that a plugin is installed. For example I need to know if the "Acegi" plugin is installed. If it is then I can run different Code. If the plugin is not installed (which is a viable option) then I can run different code.
Thanks in Advance.
Using the default config of a fresh Grails project, how do i change it so that ONLY error level messages will go to 'Message' table?
// log4j configuration
log4j = {
// Example of changing the log pattern for the default console
// appender:
//appenders {
// console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPatte...
I am trying to send mail through grails mail plugin. I configured according to the documentation, and also followed few blog posts (http://blog.lourish.com/2010/04/02/sending-asynchronous-html-email-in-grails-with-activemq-jms-and-gmail/). That post mention that the closure way of declaring the configuration overrides others, bu...
We have splitted our grails application into several inplace-plugins.
Now we want to have the tests in the same plugin like the classes which they test.
Is it possible to configure our application (e.g. in BuildConfig.groovy) so that the tests in the plugins are executed too when we run "test-app"?
The Sha1Hash function is used to convert the passwords into hex format in order to store them. How we can pass a username and password as strings in the Bootstrap.groovy and create our users easily. IF i want to use a GSP to create a user,how do i go about using the Sha1hash function. This functin when given sha1hash(params.password)retu...
Hi! I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with grailsui accordion. I have checked out the sample source files (http://guidemo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/) from different ui tags, like menu, datatable and etc. they are working fine but the accordion is not working properly. All i can see is all of the divs shown. the panels are not ...
I want to find out whether a variable is an array or not
if (params.writtenLines == ???)
much appreicated.
I've successsfully created ActiveXObject under development on Netbeans.
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXObject
def sas = new ActiveXObject("SAS.Application")
however, when I deployed the app to tomcat, i got the following message:
com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Can't co-create object
at com.jacob.com.Dispatc...
I have two applications each pointing to a different database. when I deploy these applications to Tomcat at the same time, whichever datasource gets loaded first is the same datasource that gets used for both apps. I am using the latest Tomcat and Grails.
I have an application where I am using spring security along with grails melody. I am planning to run grails melody in production environment, but don't want visitors to have access to it. How should I achieve that ? I tried creating a filter in grails (just showing the sample of what I am trying, not the actual code)-
def filters = {
i need to read out all available actions from any controller in my web-app. The reason for this is an authorization system where i need to give users a list of allowed actions.
User xyz has the authorization for executing the actions show, list, search.
User admin has the authorization for executing the actions edit, delet...
Are there any payment APIs for Grails? I'm looking for something that will abstract receiving of payments for my website.
Primarily, I'm looking to hit Paypal and Google Checkout - as far as I know these are the most used online payment services. Support for any other services would be a bonus.
I want to branch if a message-property-code does exist or not.
<g:if test="${message(code: 'default.code.foo')}">
should answer true if there a message property named default.code.foo and false if not.
It fails because it answers the code if there is no property for it.
I have a domain class that can have a nullable one-to-many field. When using dynamic scaffolding, the view will insert a value from the foreign table (usually the first one in the list) even if i don't want to set this field.
I have domain with constraints like min value must greater than 0
I have no idea how to change the message if the constraints are not passed.
which file i need to edit to do that ?
I also need to display the values some properties as well .. like
"you cannot make any transaction
because your balance is less than 100.
I have grails server on http://mysite.com:8086/project/
ApiController renders some text(html code in my case) http://mysite.com:8086/project/api/lastorders
I have another server http://othersite.net/ - this is simple apache server with HTML page.
I want to show text returned from server on my page.
I've tried:
<script type="text...
Using Java, you can get the list of ISO2 codes through Locale.getISOCountries() (see this related question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712231/best-way-to-get-a-list-of-countries-in-java).
However, I would like to have the list of all country names (in English for example) and not the list of ISO2 country codes. How can I do that ...
I am trying to use Haml with Grails but I am having some issues.
The plugin for haml has errors to parse empty lines. The plugin generate gsp files, so I think that I can use the online haml html generator.
Bug I want something like an editor with syntax highlighting, blocks, etc, and that generate html.
Is there something like this? ...