
What is Half vector in modern GLSL? reports that half vector in OpenGL context is 'Eye position - Light position' but then it goes on to say 'luckily OpenGL calculates it for us' [which is now deprecated]. How can, practically be calculated (a simple example would be greatly appreciated) [mainly, it puzzles me wh...

Novel Interaction Techniques

What exactly are Novel Interaction Techniques, in the context of Human Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics? I have some confusion in mind regarding this, can someone explain with examples? Thanks. ...

Is there any Control in .Net to plot a graph in C#?

I want to know that how to plot a graph in C#? Like i give input in form of coordinates (x,y) and get a graph plotted with these values? (I want to know that where will this graph be plotted, on windows form or any other control?) ...

get a small bitmap image from a big bitmap in android.

Hello guys, Can anybody have any idea about how to get a small bitmap image from a big bitmap which is the combination of many bitmaps. Any help will be appreciative. Thanks a lot. ...

3D Graphics: How to think about a model's position

I'm new to graphics. I'm experimenting with OpenGL / JOGL. I have a .obj file that I'm rendering. I'm having difficulty placing it exactly where I want it in the world. I have a plane that I want it to rest on, taking into account the model's runtime-set size. Just doing a transformation isn't quite enough, because I need to take into ...

How can I efficiently draw thousands of particles? (C++ / OpenGL)

I'm currently writing an interactive simulator which displays the evolution of a system of particles. I'm developing on Windows 7 32-bit, using Visual Studio. Currently, I have a function to draw all the particles on screen that looks something like this: void Simulator::draw() { glColor4f(255, 255, 255, 0); glBegin(); for ...

SFML.NET particle system

I've written particle systems before and, put simply, it's more effort than it's worth given the size of the projects I want it for. What I'm ideally looking for is a particle system which can be easily dropped into an SFML.NET project without needing a great deal of manual integration. Does anything already exist to fill this need (ide...

How to read mac ICNS file with Java

I want to read ICNS file in Mac and convert it to Java Image. Help ...

Linking problem with FreeMagic & GraphicsMagic

Whenever I link in either FreeMagic & GraphicsMagic, i get a SIGABRT as soon as main starts, possibly even before. Any ideas? It is not sufficient to just add the link flags, but for instance adding the call to FreeImage_Initialise(FALSE); somewhere in main() makes the program die in a SIGABRT. Stacktrace from where it crashes: #0 0...

PHP advanced graphics library

I'm developing a graphic manipulation web service in PHP, I want to accept images, apply filters and output them instantly. Is there any library out there to accomplish this task? (think of filters like the ones used in this app ...

Is there a way to get the target rectangle of a Graphics object?

How can I retrieve the client rectangle (of a control) out of a Graphics object? I think the Graphics object should know its coordinates of the area to draw in, but I don't see how to actually get it. Edit: As stated in the answers, there should be access to the Control that the Graphics object was created for. This would obviously solv...

Java - JPanel won't show up on JFrame when overriding JFrame's paint

I have a JFrame on which I am using overriding the paint method to display some graphics. I also want to add a JPanel to it that will show up on top of the graphics. Right now, all I see is the graphics created from JFrame paint method. Here's my JPanel: public class NoteDraw extends JPanel { public NoteDraw() { setSize(20...

Java - control Z order of JPanels

In short, my need is to have a background Image in my java app, and upon some event, create some other graphics on top of that image. I was thinking I would use a JPanel to draw the background image in, add it at to my JFrame the start of program, and then add other JPanels on top of that upon certain events. The problem is Swing gives ...

Displaying JBox2D animation in Android?

So I followed the tutorial at this site: As interesting as it is, they leave out one section and from their tutorial: How to display the shapes on the device's screen. I have a MyTouch 3G running Android 1.6 (donut). What control and what events can I take advantage of to...

How to make a .exe for Python with good graphics?

Hello, I have a Python application and I decided to do a .exe to execute it. This is the code that I use to do the .exe: # -*- coding: cp1252 -*- from distutils.core import setup import py2exe, sys, os sys.argv.append('py2exe') setup( options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}}, windows = [{'script': ""}], zipf...

Is there a program to create gifs out of text?

Is there any program that can convert a file into an animated gif by taking the bytes (whatever I see on an editor is seen) and producing them on frames? Im trying to change a large script I wrote into an image so that if I run it, it looks like as if the code is scrolling. I would use photoshop, if I knew how to use it. Even then, the c...

Cropping whitespace from an Image

Hi guys, Anyone know of a good method of cropping whitespace from an image? I have an external method which generates Image objects containing charts, but unfortunately they have lots of white space which I would like to remove. Thanks, Alex ...

Mipmaps+PBO: strange issues

Hello guys, I'm using PBOs to load textures faster in my application. If I use an opengl 3 or better video card I can then easily build the mipmaps with a call to glGenerateMipmap and it works fine. But on my older opengl 2.1 card (radeon x800), that function is not available so i must use one of two legacy methods: glTexParameteri(GL_T...

Resource for understanding view, projection, 'virtual camera' in OpenGL or graphics in general

I noticed most resources either assume you know a lot already or assume you know math of professional level or assume you're going to find other resources to fill gaps. Is there a resource that takes someone without already a knowledge on view matrices in graphics and takes them to understanding fully how to set up a 'virtual camera' ...

Need help with Direct 3D's LookAt function ..

I need some conceptual help with Direct3D's .... function. In their official documentation, they say that the computation that takes place can be summarized with this: zaxis = normal(At - Eye) xaxis = normal(cross(Up, zaxis)) yaxis = cross(zaxis, xaxis) xaxis.x yaxis.x zaxis.x 0 xaxis.y yaxis.y ...