
How to save an EXIF format image file in .NET 3.5

I want to save an image in EXIF format using System.Drawing.Image.Save or a similar method in a C# application using .NET framework v3.5. The MSDN documentation lists EXIF as an option for ImageFormat. However, it does not seem to be supported - at least not without some configuration unknown to me. When I enumerate the built-in encode...

Method for building lightweight, cross-platform, text editor

I'm planning to build a simple, lightweight text editor that combines a great look with keyboard focused input. I want to have a lot of control over things like antialiasing and all the graphics in general, but I don't care about having a whole library of widgets. Almost the entire UI will be text-based and in the main canvas/window of ...

Rotation and Scaling -- How to do both and get the right result?

I've got a set of Java2D calls that draw vectors on a graphics context. I'd like for the image to be doubled in size and then rotated 90 degrees. I'm using the following code to do this: Graphics2D g2 = // ... get graphics 2d somehow ... AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform(); AffineTransform newTransform = (AffineTransform)...

Why does CreateDIBSection() fail when the window is offscreen?

I'm building a Delphi component to embed an SDL rendering surface on a VCL form. It works just fine as long as the form is on-screen at the moment that the SDL surface is created. Otherwise, it's not able to create any rendering textures. I traced into the SDL code and ended up with the following function call, which fails (returns NUL...

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for the basics of 3d graphics programming (from scratch, not Direct3d or OpenGL)

I'm looking for some material on how homogeneous coordinates, perspectives, and projections work in 3d graphics on a basic level. An approach using programming would be stellar. I've been searching around and my searches are convoluted with OpenGL, Direct3d, and material more concerned with the mathematical proofs than the actual applica...

Formula for a orthogonal projection matrix?

I've been looking around a bit and can't seem to find just what I"m looking for. I've found "canonical formulas," but what's the best way to use these? Do I have to scale every single vertex down? Or is there a better way? A formula would really help me out, but I'm also looking for an explanation about the near and far z planes relativ...

Animation effect in .NET?

Can someone point me to a C# open source implementaion with a simple image animations. e.g. I feed the input image to animator, and the animation code produces a few dozen of images which if displayed sequentially looks like animation. I am not something extremely fancy - a simple DirectX filter like animations would do. ...

Occlusion algorithms collection

The occlusion algorithm is necessary in CAD and game industry. And they are different in the two industries I think. My questions are: What kind of occlusion algorithms are applied respectively in the two indurstries? and what is the difference? I am working on CAD software development, and the occlusion algorithm we have adopted is ...

Ensure text remains always readable in Silverlight

We have a Silverlight application that shows text over video. Both the text and video can be considered variables. Sometimes we might have a dark video, sometimes a bright video, sometimes a video that has sections of both. Think of credits at the end of a movie. We want to ensure the end user can always read the text being show over th...

What's the easiest way to display an image in C/Linux?

I'm quite comfortable with C for numerical computation, but not for graphical programming. I have a Nx by Ny by 3 RGB matrix in a command-line program for linux (gcc, ubuntu) and I want to pop up a window with it as an image. What's the easiest way to do this? It has to be relatively quick because I'll be updating the image frequently....

How to proportional resize image of any type in .NET?

Is possible to resize image proportionally in a way independent of the image type (bmp, jpg, png, etc)? I have this code and know that something is missing (but don't know what): public bool ResizeImage(string fileName, string imgFileName, ImageFormat format, int width, int height) { try { using (Image img = Image.F...

Help writing simple java graphics library with scan conversion; phong shading

Hey guys. I've been having some trouble putting together a Java-based graphics pipeline for my Intro to Computer Graphics course. As it stands right now, I just need to get the northern hemisphere of a sphere (with north facing the user) printed, and throw some lights at it. This is the pipeline (might be some errors...) 1) Initializ...

How big should an Internet Explorer toolbar icon be?

I'm trying adding my own toolbar icon to Internet Explorer but am unsure what size it should be. The Designing Toolbar Icons for Internet Explorer articles on TechNet indicates 20x20 and 16x16 pixels. Messages (1, 2) in the Internet Explorer Toolbar (Deskband) Tutorial at Code Project imply 22x22 and 16x16 pixels. Using Internet Expl...

Read TIFF file in AIR?

Is there any way to read a TIFF file under AIR? Looks like Flash doesn't have native support for TIFF format, any libraries out there? ...

Beginning 3d Programming: Book/Website Suggestions?

First an overview of myself: Graduated almost 5 years ago w/ degree in Computer Engineering, minor in Math Currently attending grad school for MS in Computer Science. Work experience since college has been primarily VB.Net, ASP, SQL, etc, "business apps" Preferred C/C++, ASM, and other "lower level" languages in college, but haven't ha...

Register level programming of GMA 950 hardware

I'm trying to write a basic driver for the GMA 950 hardware. I've been looking for a datasheet or some programming guide but cannot find anything. I've also looked at the Linux and FreeBSD source but they are quite large and will take time to understand. The GMA 950 is associated with an Intel 945 Express chipset. Does anyone know of...

Is it possible to deploy a Common Lisp (or other dialect) desktop application for several platforms?

I would like to develop a graphical application in Common Lisp or other Lisp dialect that could be deployed in Mac, Windows and Linux as a way of improving my knowledge of this language. Ideally: would compile the code would use a common graphical library wouldn't need installation of the runtime environment. I would like to make a l...

3D modeling for programmers

Hi, I'm studying Computer Graphics as part of my curriculum at my university. The course focuses on scene modeling, rather than rendering or other aspects of computer graphics. We're learning the math behind it and OpenSceneGraph to actually run something. As part of the HW, and also out of sheer interest, I need to create a 3D model,...

What's the best way to generate charts/graphs/data visualizations in Adobe Flex?

I'm new to Flex but need to generate some visualizations of some time-based data. Any recommendations for tools that would work well in Flex? ...

How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?

I am currently working with using Bezier curves and surfaces to draw the famous Utah teapot. Using Bezier patches of 16 control points, I have been able to draw the teapot and display it using a 'world to camera' function which gives the ability to rotate the resulting teapot, and am currently using an orthographic projection. The resul...