
What Library Can I Use to Manipulate SVG Files?

I'm searching for a library that will allow me to perform graphical manipulations on SVG files. By "manipulations" I mean things like: Merge two overlapping shapes into a single shape Find the geometric center of a shape Draw a copy of a shape that is 25% of the original shape's size ...and other sorts of things that one can do in I...

Implementing a Graphical Diagram Editor -> What to choose? WPF? or...

I'm developing a kind of Graphical free activity diagram/circuit editor. I have to make it with C# or C++. I prefer C# though. What do you suggest I should use? Should I use the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)? or just add the presentation namespace to a normal Windows Application project or do you suggest a different method. I nee...

Create 2d triangles from 2d points

Hi, I have to make 2d triangles from a list of 2d points with a condition: length of any edge can't be longer than a predefined constant. Something like this: Do you know any algorithm that can do this? Or any advise? Thanks! ...

How to create textured wall which continuously updated while player is moving up in opengl?

Hi, I was wondering how to create wall in opengl and it is continuously appears from up and disappers at down screen. I am able to construct wall by GL_QUADS with texture mapping. but do not know how to generate it dynamically whenever player climbs up. ...

Modify mouse crosshairs code to be on top of form?

On a blank winform code can be added to show lines that intersect (crosshairs) at the mouse pointer. The problem is that the lines don't show (or are partially hidden) by controls on the form (ie listview, splitcontainer, buttons). How would I modify the code below to show on-top (bring to front...) of all the controls present on the...

How do ascii art 3d engines work?

I've seen some pretty cool demos involving 3d ascii art videos. Does anyone what algorithms are used for doing this? ...

Design tips: Visual distinction

Hi there. Currently I have a site where it has a header that looks something like this: note: dd = dropdown ------------------------------------------------------ |[game specific dd][game specific dd] [main dd]| ------------------------------------------------------ now my question is, what sort of visual distinction would you...

memory usage and minimizing

We have a fairly graphical intensive application that uses the FOX toolkit and OpenSceneGraph, and of course C++. I notice that after running the application for some time, it seems there is a memory leak. However when I minimize, a substantial amount of memory appears to be freed (as witnessed in the Windows Task Manager). When the a...

Display picture box faster

I am trying to load images quickly into a picturebox and draw on them. I have a .13 second delay between the time I assign a bitmap to the picture box and when it shows up. And whenever I do a picturebox.refresh(), it is the same delay of .13 - .15 seconds before the paint method is called. Is there any way to get rid of this delay? I a...

Tools for converting 3d model files (3ds/obj/whatever if it's an open format) to C arrays.

Hello, I found here a script which converts obj files into C header files with information required to render the model with OpenGL. I'd like something like this but I will need texture coordinates as well. The tool apparently doesn't do that. Such a tool will save me a lot of time because I'd have to make my own program to extract data...

Can anyone recommend a language for making a parody/remake of the original Oregon Trail?

My brother and I have been playing the original Oregon Trail on an Apple II emulator, it's so fun. We want to make a clone of it that is sort of a parody but still the same concept and similar engine, we also want to maintain the classic retro charm by using a very similar resolution and the same style of low color bitmap graphics (examp...

Click two new points and draw a line between those two points using mouse event

Hi, Any suggestions how to create a line by clicking two new points then draw a line between them? I am trying to create a distance tool like the one in adobe acrobat. Image Example ...

a brush effect in java

I want to achieve the effect of java in the brush, the mouse returned to the point, move the mouse faster, thinner lines. ...

Which API f.lux is using for changing the screen color temperature?

For study reasons i need to change the color temperature of some monitors. Basically the same what f.lux does. The problem is, i have know idea how its done. It seems so there is know Win32 API or COM API in Windows for doing this. Maybe Flux is using DirectX? Most likely its using direct the API from different graphic cards. Grate...

SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true) and Graphics.DrawString() text rendering

I'm writing a C# (ActiveX) plugin for an application that uses SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true) (forces .net 1.1 text rendering style) This setting mangles some of the text I output with Graphics.DrawString() causing it to look slightly smudged and bolded. Unlike individual controls neither the Graphics class nor the BitMap don't...

How can I implement a 2D skeletal animation system in my game?

Hey. I want to be able to create a system for skeletal animation in my game. I'm using panda3d as my game engine. I'd like to be able to make simple bone structures and skin them with my sprites. I would prefer to do this with straight code and algorithms, but if I have to use a 3D modeler or something, then I can try to (I didn't do a g...

How to avoid overplotting (for points) using base-graph?

I am in my way of finishing the graphs for a paper and decided (after a discussion on stats.stackoverflow), in order to transmit as much information as possible, to create the following graph that present both in the foreground the means and in the background the raw data: However, one problem remains and that is overplotting. For exam...

Cross platform alternative to GDI+?

I'm looking for an API that works similarly to GDI+. I need to be able to fill paths, with a solid, gradient etc fill. I found the AGG library but I don't like its loose design. I like creating a Graphics object and having it append to my screen bitmap or off screen bitmap. Are their libraries that function this way and are cross platfor...

Good way to procedurally generate a "blob" graphic in 2D

I'm looking to create a "blob" in a computationally fast manner. A blob here is defined as a collection of pixels that could be any shape, but all connected. Examples: .ooo.... ..oooo.. ....oo.. .oooooo. ..o..o.. ...ooooooooooooooooooo... ..........oooo.......oo.. .....ooooooo..........o.. .....oo.................. ...

o3d textures and transparency

I'm working at galery on o3d(plagin version) and I need make photos transparent. Photos are on hud. Here is some code: g_canvasInfoPict = o3djs.canvas.create(g_pack, g_hudRoot, g_hudViewInfo); alphaParam = g_canvasInfoPict.transparentState_.getStateParam("o3d.AlphaReference"); alphaParam.value = 0.5; alphaParam = g_canvasInfoPict.tran...