
When should sizing grip (windows Forms) be used?

Should it be used for all sizable forms, or only when it is not easy to guess that a form is sizable? Is there a GUI convention to use it? Any link to a documentation would be appreciated. ...

Unable to hide tool-bar grip

Hi! I am trying to create a ToolBar in my WPF application. I don't want the strip (as shown in the bellow figure) to show up, I just want all the items to be placed in the general area. I tried setting the ToolBar.OverflowMode to Never ut it doesn't help. ...

rails3, gridfs and mongomapper: how to serve files? send_data?

i am currently developing a rails3 app with mongomapper and file storage in gridfs. after some trying around, i found grip and currently also use it in the app for storing the data. so far, so good - now i am trying to get my head around serving the files to the user -- what would be the best/fastest way to achieve that? from: http://ra...

C# WinForms StatusStrip - How do I reclaim the space from the "Grip"

I've got a StatusStrip with a single ToolStripStatusLabel, Spring=true and a background color for notifications. The problem is that there's an ugly gray square on the right side of the status strip. After fiddling for a while, I realized this is the sizing grip (I had is set to SizingGrip=false, GripStyle=Hidden). Yet even with it hi...