
Adding click/double-click events to static group box controls

Having realised my own reasons were way too dubious, I've now gone about this a different way. But I'm still curious... For reasons of nostalgia, familiarity and laziness, I'm coding a UI with MFC. For dubious reasons (as if those were not enough), I wanted to add a (double-)click event to a group box. Naturally, the group box contains ...

Wpf: Loading DataGrid in Groupbox causes Groupbox to be too tall

I have a GroupBox that contains a stackpanel holding a textbox and a datagrid. When I use the textbox to populate the datagrid. Sometimes I need to load the datagrid with values. What I am noticing is that when the groupbox renders when the datagrid has values that the height of the groupbox is maxed out to the size of its parent contain...

Can I un-check a group of RadioBottoms inside a group box?

radio bottoms inside a group Box will be treated as a group of bottoms. They are mutual exclusive. How can I clean up their check states?? I have several radio bottoms, one of them are checked. How can I "clean" (uncheck) all radio bottoms?? "setChecked" doesn't work within a group, I tried to do following things but failed. My code is...

How can i bind parent's property to its child's property?

I have a GroupBox, which is defined like this <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Groupbox" > <Style TargetType="local:GroupBox"> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="DarkGray"/...

How do i create nice looking controls?

hi guys, I found a nice controls used by a software so wanted to use or build similar nice looking controls for my applications in First Sample control is nice rounded cornor group box [ i guess so ]: and second control is nice looking tab control:

How do I implement WPF group box than spans two columns?

Here is the layout I want: Grid with 2 columns, 2 rows Row 1 should contain a group box that spans both columns. Row 2, Column 1 will contain a group box Row 2, Column 2 will contain another group box. In row 1's group box, I want the left side to have a stack of labels/combo boxes. On the right side will be a stack of labels/checkbo...

Groupbox with a flowlayout panel inside and autosize = true shrinks like it is empty.

I have a groupbox that holds a flowlayout panel and the flowlayout panel holds a bunch of controls. I set the flowlayout panel to dock with the parent. Since I don't know how many controls will be in the panel, I set the group box autosize to true and autosizemode to grow and shrink. When I do this the groupbox shrinks as if it is emp...

Styling a groupbox in WPF

How can I set the opacity of the background for a groupbox etc. The code beneath doesn't compile: <Style TargetType="GroupBox"> <Setter Property="Background"> <Setter.Value> <SolidColorBrush Opacity="0.5">White</SolidColorBrush> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> ...

TabStop Not Working

I have a WinForm with 3 group boxes, one with combo boxes, and two with radio buttons. I set all of them and their children controls to "TabStop = false", but when I cycle with TAB, the currently selected radio button in each of the last two group boxes gets focused. If there's no way to change this behavior, what would be a good event ...

WPF GroupBox ControlTemplate : How to apply a Style only to elements in the Header ?

Hi. I'm trying to make a ControlTemplate for a GroupBox such as if a TextBlock is declared in the Header it's background should be set to yellow. The problem is that, although I define a style for TextBlocks in the ContentPresenter for the Header, it's not applied except on those TextBlocks which are autogenerated by WPF. Here is the...

Excluding the GroupBoxes that are inside another GroupBox

Let's say I have 7 group boxes but some of them also have group box inside them and some do not. now if I want to iterate through those 7 group boxes and apply something to them, is there a way that I can exclude those Child group boxes from this loop? ...

resize groupbox with sleep between iteration show up after loop ends

I make new project and simplified it to check if this bug is real, and this is my code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { groupBox1.Height += 1; Thread.Sleep(100); } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs ...

Why does my WPF GroupBox looks so weird ?

I have no style set anywhere in my application! UPDATE: ...

Android: how to make a GroupBox widget?

Hi All, It appears that Android doesn't offer such a useful widget. However, my screen design requires a view like this: Also, the interaction design requires that such boxes are displayed and hidden, depending on other data. Of course, I could construct such box from separate elements in my XML layout (e.g. from a shape and a textvi...

C# Groupbox - customising the look and feel of border / caption

Hey, I have 2 groupboxes which I would like to customise a bit more, and I dont want to resort to having a panel with a label (this would mean that I would have to have the same background colour for the panel and the parent control if I wanted a border, since the label would have to have a colour set to cover up the border behind the t...