
How can I highlight a row in a gtk.Table?

I want to highlight specific rows in a gtk.Table. I also want a mouseover to highlight it w/ a different color (like on a link in a web browser). I thought of just packing each cell with an eventBox and changing the STATE_NORMAL and STATE_PRELIGHT bg colors, which does work, but mousing over the eventbox doesn't work. Is there a better w...

What's the point of alloc_color() in gtk?

Various examples always use alloc_color() and stuff like gtk.color.parse('red'), etc. I just do gtk.gdk.Color(65535,0,0), and that seems to work. What's the need for alloc_color? ...

pygtk: free variable referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

Very bizarre scoping error which I can't even see. Inside of an updater function, I have a nested helper function to... help w/ something: def attach_row(ws,r1,r2): es = [] for i,w in enumerate(ws): eb = gtk.EventBox() a = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0,yalign=0.5) a.add(w) e...

Error converting a pipe (Handler) to fd on vs 2003

Hello! I am trying to use notify a main gtk thread ( from a separate thread) that some even occurred using pipes. I get the following warning when I am trying to setup pipes. What is a good workaround? when I can this g_io_channel_win32_new_fd, I see this warning, and thus pipe isn't created at all :( GLib-WARNING **: giowin32.c:1564:...

where can I find a prime forum for gtk+ (c++) type questions?

I am sorry if it defeats the purpose of this forum, but I see very limited GTK activity here and would like get heavily involved in it. What is the prime forum(s) where GTK is discussed. I use it primarily with c/c++. ...

Getting the position of the gtk.StatusIcon on Windows

I am assisting with Windows support for a PyGTK app that appears as a system tray applet, but am not so strong on the GTK+ gooey stuff... We have it so when you left-click the systray icon, the window appears right by your tray icon no matter where your system tray is--and on Linux this works great, using the results of gtk.StatusIcon.g...

Where can I find a good example GAsyncQueue usages between process and thread

Beyond explanation of GAsyncQueue I cannot find anything on how to use this data structure, examples, patterns. I am trying to use to as a IPC mechanism between thread and the main process. Can someone demonstrate it? Thanks ...

How do you enable auto-scrolling on GtkSourceView2?

I am having a problem with GtkSourceView used from Python. Two major problems: 1) When a user types text into the GtkSourceView, and types past the bottom of the visible text, the GtkSourceView does not autoscroll to the users cursor. This wouldnt be so bad, except: 2) The arrow keys, page up and page down keys, do not cause the GtkSour...

I cant find any documentation for g_io_channel_win32_make_pollfd

Is there a documentation available for g_io_channel_win32_make_pollfd I want to use this function to create FDs on windows for IPC between main thread and the separate thread. It is only briefly mentioned here and doesn't really explain how to use it. I really need an example. thx ...

wxWindows vs. Gtk for Cross Platform GUI Programming

I've been looking at making a cross-platform GUI application, and I'm wondering whether I should use wxWindow or GTk? I'll be coding in C++, so the quality of the documentation surrounding its C++ bindings is key. I've heard that GTk works better with plain C than with C++. Is this true? ...

GTK Window configure events not propagating

I'm attempting to capture an event on a GTK window when the window is moved. I'm doing so with something that looks like this: void mycallback(GtkWindow* parentWindow, GdkEvent* event, gpointer data) { // do something... } ... GtkWidget* window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_widget_add_events(GTK_WIDGET(window), G...

In GTK, is there an easy way to scale all widgets by an arbitrary amount?

I want my widget to look exactly like it does now, except to be smaller. It includes buttons, labels, text, images, etc. Is there any way to just say "scale this to be half the size", and have GTK do all the image processing, widget resizing, etc., necessary? If not, what's the easiest way to accomplish this? ...

Scale an image in GTK

In GTK, how can I scale an image? Right now I load images with PIL and scale them beforehand, but is there a way to do it with GTK? ...

How can I change the font size in GTK?

Is there an easy way to change the font size of text elements in GTK? Right now the best I can do is do set_markup on a label, with something silly like: lbl.set_markup("<span font_desc='Tahoma 5.4'>%s</span>" % text) This 1) requires me to set the font , 2) seems like a lot of overhead (having to parse the markup), and 3) would make ...

in GTK, how do I get the original normal bg color of a widget?

I do this: self.origbg =[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] and later in my eventboxes I change the bgcolor to it by doing: self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) However, the color actually changes! It's not the state_normal color that I get from looking at . On my Windows, it's a slightly lighter tint. How do ...

How I can add a Widget or a Region to an Status Icon in PyGTK

Hello All, This is my first question in StackOverflow, so I would try to explain my self the best I can. I made an small app trying to emularte the windows Procastination Killer Application, using pygtk and pygame for the sound alerts. Here is a video of my little app running My Issue is tha...

Compiling C/GTK within Eclipse

I'm fiddling around with the C/C++ version of Eclipse to build a simple GTK app. However, I can't seem to be able to compile a GTK sample from within Eclipse. I can compile a simple Hello World style test app, so I know the tool chain itself is working. However, the moment I start adding GTK into the mix the compiler comes up with errors...

How can I show a flat representation of a TreeStore in a TreeView?

Hi! I have a TreeStore with objects that I view and manipulate through a GTK TreeView/TreeModel setup. I also have a TreeView showing a treeModelSort of the treeStore, which I use for sorting on columns like name and date. The problem is, that the sort mechanism only sorts the rootnodes, even if a underlaying childnode has e.g. a date...

Destroying Windows in GTK#

I have a dialogue in GTK# that gets opened by a mouse click, and after clicking a button in it, the dialogue should be closed again. Do I have to call both methods Hide() and Destroy() on the window? Here is my code to launch the dialogue: protected virtual void ConfigureDialogue (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MyConfigWindow...

Does GTK kill CSS and HTML?

I have heard that GTK covers all controls so that developers do not care about CSS and HTML any more. Do you guys agree with this idea? ...